Official Declaration #3 (Draft Version)

A Proclamation by the Church to Correct the
Blacks and the Priesthood Doctrine Error of


Introduction: My name is Roy Eddings, an average elder living in Logan, Utah, and a
great friend to the Church. What I have presented here is only a draft of a proposed
proclamation, and not an official declaration by the Church. But it is my hope and prayer that all
members and leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and people of all
religions and beliefs, will join me in the effort to encourage the Church to proclaim a new
message to the world based on equality and basic human rights. In this presentation, I begin with
an introduction starting here in page 1, and the draft proclamation follows in page 4.


While I have much to offer in support of this proclamation—three landmark books and
42 well-thought-out lectures on revelation and priesthood keys, which you can see in the website
links at the end, and also on the side panel—the bottom line reason for supporting the adoption
of this proclamation is just common sense. The 1852 policy by the Church of banning blacks
from the priesthood was a clear mistake by all involved, and it's never been fully repudiated,
even up to today in 2024.


Lecture #32, presented in the other five top tabs on this website, is quite amazing in itself,
supporting this proclamation. Unlike a static document, it began on March 17th, 2024, and
continued with significant additions daily through July of 2024, covering five calendar months.
You'll quickly realize that it is much more than just a lecture, having over 500 instances of the
Holy Ghost across a variety of spiritual gifts; it's revelation, not opinion. The Church hasn't seen
revelation at this level of complexity and volume since the early decades of the Restoration. It
should have a major impact once it is discovered and widely publicized.


Here are nine summarized points from the lecture to get you started:


1) The temple is for everyone. The priesthood is for everyone. This has always been true.


Joseph Smith would agree with this. The Savior would agree with this. There is no
common sense basis to believe otherwise.


2) Joseph would not have wanted to increase the misery already being experienced by
blacks through slavery by then removing the priesthood and temple blessings during their life

that would bring so much hope and comfort to them, and that are essential in preparing them for


3) Blacks (both men and women) were essentially found guilty of crimes they did not
commit during that 126-year period that ended in
1978; and the penalty they received was a loss
of their priesthood and temple worship privileges.


4) The ban was wrong on principle; it was wrong for the reputational damage it did to
the Church; it was wrong for the harm it did to member testimonies; and it was wrong because it
thwarted the work of the Lord by excluding a whole race of people from gaining direct access to
the priesthood and temple ordinances for generations.


5) The priesthood ban among the Latter-day Saints made the Jim Crow era worse in


6) It was not just the leaders of the Church who were at fault, it was also us, the members
of the Church, going to meetings every Sunday since 1852, who were at fault.
Our actions
against intolerance by the Church should not have been through political activism or protests,
but just calmly and consistently talking with our local bishops and stake presidents on the issue
in every congregation worldwide
. We should have reasoned it through in problem solving mode
with them to create a groundswell sufficient to bring about the change required.


7) The Lord wants a new face... a powerful new witness of the restored gospel that comes
out of nowhere, surprises the world, and gets everyone's attention
. And that's the foundation of
this lecture and where it came from


Here are doctrinal points to support that premise


(a) The risk of unauthorized revelation vs. the risk of unrecognized revelation. Revelation
of epic proportions that goes unrecognized by the Church is the greater danger


(b) Don't inadvertently deny the gifts of the Holy Ghost in what is being testified to, for
that is
the very foundation of your own faith.


(c) Does the Holy Ghost do all of His great works in the public eye? Sometimes
extraordinary things come from very small beginnings that only one person or a few people can

see initially.


(d) A truthful testimony of spiritual gifts, where the Holy Ghost is involved, does not go
against the established order of the Church.


(e) To say this another way. If the Holy Ghost is with a man all night long, every night,
him writing and writing and writing by the spirit of revelation and the spirit of prophecy,
does it
really matter to the Church and to the world if precedent is broken?


(f) There is no moral equivalence with the D&C 28 incident that occurred in the first few
months of the newly restored Church. These are not some indiscriminate scribblings of a man

confused or deceived by the adversary. This is not Hiram Page stuff.


(g) What is true is true, regardless of priesthood keys.


(h) Throughout the 50-page lecture that follows, the truth of the restored gospel is made
more clear.


(i) "We're appending new things to the doctrine of the Church. It's ok," say the Father
the Son jointly through the Holy Ghost. "We know what we are doing, and we have the


(j) "Even with the true Church we had to improve some things.


(k) "Not ready for these things in 1830, but they are now."




8) Official Declaration 2, in 1978, only did half the work it needed to do. Official
Declaration 3, on the same subject
in 2024, will finish the job and correct the doctrinal mistake


9) Today is the day to get this done, not tomorrow. Blacks throughout America and the
world want to hear this message proclaimed by the Church.
Proclaim the message on the Church
website; in commercials on the Internet, TV, and radio; in
public appearances of Church
leaders, on posts of forums and social media, and so forth.
Proclaim the message through
missionaries around the world; in Sunday School, Relief Society,
and priesthood lessons; in
Church youth programs; in the Primary program for children; and
through members to friends,
family and work associates


And here are doctrinal points to support that premise


(a) A worldwide proclamation like this will be a big event, providing an opportunity to
grow and revitalize the Church in dramatic fashion


(b) New traditions, new precedents, new growth opportunities for the Church.


(c) There's a pop. There's a shock. The unexpected has happened, raising the Church
high in
great acclaim throughout the world.


(d) We are at 0.2% of the world population. The Lord wants us to get to 0.5% of the
world population (40-45 million members) in a short period of time, not just
the 200-300K
growth per year
that we are doing now.




With those points made, let's proceed to the proclamation.


Draft proclamation:


Be it known to the people of all nations that we, the members and leaders of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, acknowledge that a serious error did occur in 1852 by the
implementation of a policy banning blacks from the priesthood and the ordinances of the temple.
We firmly declare that the ban did not come through revelation and was not of God.


In the decision to implement the ban, the most important principles of the gospel of Jesus
Christ—love, compassion, equality of all men and women before God, and basic fairness—were
not adhered to. And while the 1978 proclamation did end the ban, it didn't correct the doctrinal
problem that led to the ban's creation in the first place. Today, it being the thirtieth day of the
month of April, 2024, we hereby state that the ban has been fully repudiated, not just in its
practice, but in principle, too. It caused pain for generations among both members and non-
members, and never should have seen the light of day in this Church or any other.


We realize that in making this declaration criticism will be leveled for our failure to act
on it for so long. And that criticism would be fully justified. But we want this mistake to be
corrected, regardless of the consequences. It's just the right thing to do.


Finally, it is our hope that this message today brings about a new era of accountability
and increased transparency that will be so important to the future success of all churches,
foundations, businesses, and governments throughout the world.


Signed, Members and Leaders of the Church




**Click here to see full lecture #32 on blacks and the priesthood on this site.


The books and the other lectures are free to the public at the following links: (42 lectures on revelation and priesthood keys)


And main books at following links: (132 pages, the ideal in government for America) (754 pages, the principles of the ideal of Zion in the Church) (Over 2000 pages in 3 sections, journal and history of spiritual gifts)


Desktop/laptop mode is preferred—large screen—but also runs fine on mobile browser.

Here is the full lecture:

Start Date:March 17, 2024
Revelation Days:82
Revelation Items:513
Unique Spiritual Gifts:9



Fixing the Blacks and the Priesthood Problem that has
Damaged the Church for Generations - An Official Declaration
#3 is Needed




Clarity, truthfulness, and pure revelation from the Lord in support of this new proposed
declaration will bring the matter to a close, and that is just exactly what you will find in this
lecture. The revelation presented here is not just a single instance of the Holy Ghost at a point in
time, but a stream of revelation on the subject day by day over a number of months through a
variety of spiritual gifts. Everything follows the same basic pattern of Journal of Roy Eddings
(JRE) that is available to the public through links on this website, providing full transparency and
documentation of the revelation process taking place (see LRPK-24 on that).


The subject of blacks and the priesthood was nothing I was even thinking about recently.
It was actually the Lord who was out in front driving the process forward. This lecture, therefore,
is quite different from the other ones in this series because it's almost exclusively revelation. But
it powerfully makes the same overall point that the other lectures are making by highlighting this
fact—the tunnel vision focus on priesthood keys and authority in the Church (without proper
consideration of other, equally important or more important principles of the gospel) is what
caused the mistake of Brigham Young to come about in the first place, and what prevented it
from being fixed in the generations that followed.


A prophet or other priesthood leader who is confident in his revelation process will
happily admit mistakes when they occur. That's because he is not concerned about his own
reputation and legacy, and wants to focus on the truth of things as they were, as they are, and as
they are to come. He will not let his own mistakes undermine the work of the Lord or allow them
to be a source of confusion to the souls of men he is so anxious to teach and serve.


The same is true for the Church itself. A true Church of God that is confident in its
revelation process will happily bring forth and report to the public mistakes that have been made
in the past, or that are being made now, regardless of any impact to its reputation and legacy. Let
the Lord worry about the public perception of the major declaration/correction that is required
here. He can see the full chessboard and will make things turn out beautifully in the end.


Mistakes occur in the revelation process between God and man. That's just the way it
works, imperfect as it may be. And those mistakes show that prophets, apostles, local leaders,
and members of the Church are human and need constant direction from the Spirit of the Lord to
guide them. This Church is overflowing with revelation of God, spiritual gifts, and great
miracles. Full transparency and documentation of spiritual events from top to bottom—including
regular reporting of mistakes when they occur—will allow the people of the world to know in
full confidence that these great things happening in the Church are true, and that they are
glorious to behold. A fullness of transparency provides a fullness of truth, which creates more
powerful testimonies among members and new converts both.


As part of the transparency in this lecture, you will notice in the dialog below that the
Spirit provides much insight and some answers, but not on everything; some important questions
are left unanswered by the Lord. But you can feel good in what is answered, and look to the
future for further light and knowledge to come on what remains. An honest acknowledgement on
my part of what is lacking is further confirmation that what you will read is not contrived by a
deceiver, but real and true.


In conclusion, you are expecting this kind of high-level revelation to come through an
authoritative, trusted source recognized by the Church, and I understand that. But if you were to
sit down with President Nelson—or any member of the First Presidency or the Quorum of the
Twelve—he would tell you straight out that he does not have the ability to receive revelation
with the volume, daily consistency, variety, and power that is demonstrated by the Spirit in the
pages ahead. So, it really comes down to the truthfulness of the record I have compiled.
Furthermore, the 41 other LRPK lectures besides this one, and the three main books
(AWC/AWN/JRE), overwhelmingly address any concerns that you may have, but that requires
that you do the necessary work to study it out. To quote from AWC: Read, ponder, and pray;
pray, ponder, and read. They all become one and same
. If you dive in, fully immerse yourself,
and read with an honest and true heart you will come to know that it is the same Holy Ghost, the
same Lord, and the same love of this wonderful Church found here that you enjoy in the existing
standard works.




Ok, with those words of introduction, let's now move on to the lecture.


I would recommend that everyone watch the two-part episode of Gunsmoke mentioned
below (episode links to view are available in the references section). It will help provide a better
understanding of this dream and its fuller meaning, and the related words spoken by the Holy
Ghost in the days, weeks, and months that followed.


2024-0317 (Sun)


I was continuing my work on JRE, and preparing additional lectures for the LRPK series, when
on the night of March 17th, I had the following dream.


-In this dream, I remember seeing Cicero Wolfe—a Cherokee attorney of mixed-race heritage,
and the lead character in the 1973 Gunsmoke episode: "A Game of Death, An Act of Love"—
arriving to a small town in a midwestern state of America, probably in the 1870s time period. I
could discern that the man was a leader or missionary of the Church, and that he was called to
travel great distances to lead, minister to, and visit members in small groups that were scattered
around the nation. There were only a few Latter-day Saints around him (mostly women and
children); so, the first thing he did was perform a blessing for one of the members who was sick.
Following that, another member sat down in the chair and he proceeded to set that person apart
for a Church calling of some kind. He seemed to be catching up on the priesthood work that had
been waiting to get done for a long time, and that was sorely needed. There was great joy among
this small group of Saints to have him there with them, not just for the priesthood authority that
he held, but for his strength as a leader, to help sustain them in their testimonies and give them
hope for the future.


At the end of the dream, I looked closely at this man again and saw that his face had changed. It
was no longer Cicero Wolfe doing the setting apart, but my brother Eric. And it was no longer
the 1870s period, but the setting of a priesthood leadership office of today in a modern Church
meetinghouse. In this quick replacement of persons and settings, I could see that there was no
difference between Cicero then and Eric today. Both were great and honorable priesthood
holders doing the work of the Lord. Their race, nationality, or the time period of the restored
gospel they were living in didn't matter.


(DRE-TE; The dream was fairly short, but the meanings were clear and powerful. Below are the
five main points the Lord wished to convey to everyone)


1) Found guilty: Just like the two Indians in this Gunsmoke episode who were accused of crimes
they did not commit, and who were defended by Cicero, blacks (both men and women) were
essentially found guilty of crimes they did not commit during that 126-year period that ended in
1978; and the penalty they received was a loss of their priesthood and temple worship privileges.

2) Temporary removal is a corruption of doctrine: Taking the priesthood away from all black
members of the Church on a temporary basis—whether for a day, a year, a decade, or 126
years—is still a severe corruption of Church doctrine. Even if you are looking forward to the day
when the ban can be removed, if that is your defense, you are still justifying, and not fixing the
mistake that brought about the problem in the first place.

3) We're all the same: Taking the priesthood away from black members because of their race in a
prior era is no different than if the Church were to take away the priesthood from my brother Eric
today because he is white. There is no difference between Cicero Wolfe, my brother Eric,
Brigham Young, or any other man of any race born in this world.

4) Small numbers of priesthood holders in the world: The dream points out the dire need for
priesthood holders of all races and nationalities throughout the world to be ordained and called to
the work. Our numbers were few back in 1852, and they are few today (Latter-day Saints are
only 0.2% of the world population). We have always needed every able man.

5) Overall: The ban was wrong on principle; it was wrong for the reputational damage it did to
the Church; it was wrong for the harm it did to member testimonies; and it was wrong because it
thwarted the work of the Lord by excluding a whole race of people from gaining direct access to
the priesthood and temple ordinances for generations.


2024-0318 (Mon)


As I was pondering on the dream from the prior night, and the important message it contained,
the Spirit then followed up with more on this same subject.


"Interpreted" (The first word of the Spirit spoken to me after the dream is clear—that Brigham
Young interpreted scripture and didn't receive revelation of God to initiate the ban)


"They didn't realize what they were doing" (Brigham, and many—if not all—of the Church
leaders around him, had a blind spot on this, thinking they were acting with the approval of the


"I'm a boss" (WSE-AP; Characterizing Brigham's thinking. He possessed the priesthood keys to
receive revelation for the Church, but acted on his own, spearheading a decision that would
terribly impact so many people inside and outside the Church for generations)


"An angel of God would ask permission to ban smoking cigarettes" (A very powerful statement
here by the Spirit. An angel would not do something like that independent of God, so, why
would a prophet act independently, and not seek revelation of God before doing something of
this magnitude?)


"I do remember" (The Lord remembers all that happened at the time. Also see 2015-0423 for a
another fantastic testimony with these words)


"I'll let you know I'm buying 5 people" (WSE-AP; The opposite is meant here by the Spirit to
make a point. Joseph Smith would obviously not say something like this, or entertain such
thoughts. Slavery would be abhorrent to him. And he would not want to increase the misery
already being experienced by blacks through slavery by then removing the priesthood and temple
blessings during their life that would bring so much hope and comfort to them, and that are
essential in preparing them for salvation)


"Tears for money" (Slavery brought a sad, tear-filled life to blacks in America and other
countries for so long, and the Jim Crow era that followed was filled with so many tears as well)


"Pull the pin" (In other words, don't be afraid to bring the issue forward and admit the mistake
publicly. A big media storm is to be expected following such a landmark admission by the
Church today, after all this time. Although it may be embarrassing, it needs to be done)


"Abraham" (Blacks have the same right to seek after righteousness and the blessings of the
priesthood of the fathers as Abraham had. And it's always been that way)




**As I pondered on the words of the Spirit spoken thus far on the night, I asked the Lord in my
heart the following questions.


Why was there not a D&C 87.5 addition on this subject?


The Lord through Joseph Smith powerfully prophesied in D&C 87 of the Civil War to come 30
years later, and the issue of slavery was referenced, so why not state flat out the principle of the
priesthood being for all men, regardless of race, right at the very beginning as part of that same




Immediately, the Spirit responded:


"Learning" (The meaning here is that not everything about the Church and its doctrine was
revealed to Joseph Smith in the start-up of the Church. So much more was still needing to be
revealed after his death. The Church had to learn things line upon line, just as we, as men and
women in the world, have to learn through our successes and mistakes in life)


"Guess" (I like to say that Church leaders are guessing about me and this gift the Lord has given
me. And so, the Spirit here turns the table on me... telling me to think it through more before
asking the question of Him, and being a little funny/sarcastic, says to guess. The Church learning
little by little was one guiding principle, but what other principles of the gospel might be in play
here? That's the question I needed to ask myself)




**As I pondered the question, the example that came into my mind first was that of America.
Surely, America in 1776 was inspired by God, but the Lord didn't solve the slavery issue right up
front, nor did he prevent the Jim Crow era that followed; yet, America progressed to be the
greatest nation the world has ever seen, and the righteousness and faith in God of its citizens is
the major reason why, in spite of the large blind spot on civil rights (on blacks, women, and other
groups) that was not fully addressed until generations later.


This analogy of America was good—my "guess" so to speak—but it didn't directly address the
issue because the Church would still be expected to get it right on civil rights anyway, having a
higher standard than America. So, unsatisfied with my guess, I asked the same basic question to
the Spirit again:


Why wasn't the truth established in the Church on this issue from the very beginning?




The Spirit responded:


"The power of the Spirit" (The meaning here is that the Holy Ghost was there every day and
night for Brigham, and for the leaders of the Church in the generations that followed, to help
guide them and fix this issue. The truth of the matter never changed, and it was always available
to be discovered. The Spirit is alluding to the question of office of revelation vs. gift of
revelation and that there was a big drop-off in gifts of a seer, gifts of the Spirit, faith, experience,
and so forth when Brigham Young took over after Joseph's death. See LRPK-19 and also see




**So, the Spirit didn't fully answer my question about why it wasn't established from the
beginning in the D&C with Joseph, but He did provide some very helpful information on the
subject. In any event, the bottom line is this—having a daily revelation process in place today is
what matters most. It provides assurance that the heavens are open and more complete answers
to this and other important questions will surely come.




"They'll push back" (Church leaders... I hope that is not true. We're all on the same team, and I
can't do this important work without everyone's help)


"Beholden to the Spirit only" (That's what we should be. Beholden to the Spirit, and not the
doctrines of men. The ban was a doctrine of men)


"You'll get conflict" (Again, I hope not. The truth is here in these words, and the Spirit is here.
It's healthy for the Church to be corrected by revelation, and this is certainly revelation being
provided in this lecture)


"He just made a mistake" (Brigham Young)


"... made a mistake" (Repeated again by the Spirit. Brigham Young made a mistake. It's that


2024-0319 (Tue)


"It never was a good idea" (The ban)


"Yes" (WSE-THO; I was pondering in my mind the phrase "the ban was not of God" when the
Spirit responded "yes" to confirm the truth of these words again)


"Get a transformation" (The Church needs a transformation on this, a new beginning)


2024-0320 (Wed)


"True" (WSE-THO; As I pondered the new lecture—this one, LRPK-32—that I was starting to
put together, the Spirit confirmed that this lecture itself is true)


"You have to have common sense" (Where no president of the Church knew one way or the
other what to do on this issue for such a long period of time, the safer play would have been to
end the ban early on and choose the simpler, common sense approach based on the basic gospel
principle of love for one another rather than on exclusion. That would have saved the Church a
lot of grief)


"There's no responsibility" (You'd have to say that that's true of the Church. No real
responsibility has been taken thus far on the ban, which is the reason for this lecture now, to get
the process moving)


"Speak out" (Testify, speak out on this issue)


"The feel of the Holy Ghost" (... is found throughout these books and these lectures)


"It's not going to be you" (WSE-AP; A person criticizing me is characterized here. A real
prophet should be doing this, not some unknown person like me. That's what is meant)


2024-0322 (Thu)


"Forgive me, one and all" (WSE-AP; Characterizing Brigham Young, asking for forgiveness)


"I'll give you the backstory" (WSE-AP; Characterizing Brigham again. Yes, it would be good to
hear Brigham give more details on all that happened and what caused the mistake to occur. That
will come one day)


2024-0324 (Sun)


"Earthquake for the Church" (Great blessings and some big changes to come)


2024-0330 (Sat)


"It's like surgery" (Fixing this problem in the Church of blacks and the priesthood is like doing a
surgical procedure)


2024-0331 (Sun)


"Buy publicity" (Advertise this new lecture on blacks and the priesthood to help bring awareness
to the issue and these new books more generally)


"That's the right course to take" (For the Church to make a major declaration to the world on this
mistake, to correct history and make history. Blessings will follow)


"It ain't love" (Banning blacks from the priesthood and temple ordinances was not a
manifestation of love. Interesting grammar by the Spirit here)


"St. Louis" (Great point here by the Spirit! I need friendly members and leaders in the Church
supporting me right now in this lecture, and in the work I'm doing on these books, just like the
people of St Louis helped the early Latter-day Saints. St. Louis was an important refuge for the
Latter-day Saints fleeing western Missouri during the expulsion. St. Louis newspapers defended
Latter-day Saints and condemned Governor Boggs. St. Lous press also strongly condemned
Joseph Smith's murder. See 2022-0525 for an amazing dream on this, and also the external
Joseph Smith papers website reference with the large list of the good things that occurred with
St. Louis and the early Latter-day Saints)


"Let us meet" (For Church leaders in Salt Lake to meet with me. There are so many great
spiritual blessings going on here in Logan. The message needs to be amplified throughout the


"Below a level playing field" (Blacks in the Church were not put on the same playing field as
everyone else during the period of the priesthood ban; so, it was quite unfair, obviously)


"Kindness" (Kindness to blacks in the Church is to not take away the priesthood from them)


"Be bold and ready" (To be strong in my testimony)


**Lecture continues. Go to April tab.


2024-0402 (Tue)


"There was damage done to the Church" (The Spirit confirming again the damage done to the
Church by the ban, and also in the failure for so long to not have it corrected)


2024-0403 (Wed)


"It should be obeyed" (The message of this lecture and the revelation it contains should be
obeyed by the Church, leaders and members both)


"It's powerful" (This lecture has a powerful message)


"It's illogical" (The opposite is meant here by the Spirit. This lecture is logical, well-reasoned,
and the words of the Spirit provide a wonderful foundation to drive it day by day)


"How do you problem solve?" (On something like this, where the issue of priesthood keys and
authority is the main concern, it's important for everyone to take the emotion out of it and work
through the issue step by step in a problem solving mode. The other 41 LRPK lectures already do
that very well, explaining and analyzing the principles of the gospel that apply. Also, see AWN,
Book I, Chapter 3, "Problem Solving"


"You've got them by their mistakes" (The Church is caught in this mistake, and it needs to be


"If they listen" (Church leaders need to listen)


2024-0404 (Thu)


"I'll be black" (WSE-THO; I was pondering in the early morning on the character Phil Green in
the movie Gentleman's Agreement—played masterfully by the actor Gregory Peck—how he
went undercover to expose anti-Semitism in America of the 1940s, when the Spirit said these
words, reminding me of how hard life was for blacks during that period. This is a reference I
believe to the 1961 book "Black Like Me." In other words, the priesthood ban among the Latter-
day Saints made the Jim Crow era worse)


"It made it worse" (WSE-ACT; As I was writing down my comments to the above entry at
bedside, the Spirit confirmed, repeating the same words—that the priesthood ban made the Jim
Crow era worse in society)


"Spectacular... and accurate" (This lecture, the Spirit approving)


"Atta-perfect!" (The Spirit being funny here, approving of the lecture. A play on words
obviously with atta-boy!)


"Separate, but equal" (Blacks were not treated equal in the Church, they were separated by race
through this ban policy)


"Under the law" (Blacks should have been treated equally under the law of God throughout the
Church, not assigned lesser rights)


"I did it" (It is the Lord that originated this lecture and all the revelation it contains. It's like the
Lord has called me as an accountant outside of Church leadership to do an independent audit of
Church history in the civil rights area)


"They'll believe it" (The members and leaders of the Church will ultimately embrace this very
important lecture, and as they do that, the Church will be raised to greater heights)


2024-0405 (Fri)


"All of a sudden" (The meaning here—all of a sudden, the truth on the priesthood ban is
established in the Church)


2024-0406 (Sat)


"It has to be done" (No more delays or hedging on this)


"Yes" (To affirm the words above. Get it done, please. The Lord is ready to confirm the truth of
this for you)


"Yes" (To affirm the words above again. The Lord will confirm the truth to you multiple times,
so that there is no mistake on this)


"Today" (Today is the day to get this done, not tomorrow. Blacks throughout America and the
world want to hear this message proclaimed by the Church.


Proclaim the message on the Church website; in commercials on the Internet, TV, and radio; in
public appearances of Church leaders, on posts of forums and social media, and so forth.


Proclaim the message through missionaries around the world; in Sunday School, Relief Society,
and priesthood lessons; in Church youth programs; in the Primary program for children; and
through members to friends, family and work associates)


"Don't be too embarrassed" (... to act on this. A better Church and better world will be the result)


"If they refuse" (If leaders refuse to do this now, the Church will be making a mistake yet again)


"Growth opportunity" (A worldwide proclamation like this will be a big event, providing an
opportunity to grow and revitalize the Church in dramatic fashion)


"I'm glad we're on the right track" (WSE-AP: Characterizing members feeling happy with the
change and what the Church has done in the proclamation)


"Alrighty! Everything!" (Blessings galore will be bestowed on the Church)


"Atta-simple" (Play on words with a similar entry two days ago. The meaning is to make this
change in the Church as simple as possible. Avoid red tape and formal Church committees in the
administrative handling of the issue)


2024-0407 (Sun)


"We commend you for your truthful speech" (WSE-AP; America and the world react to this
lecture and the new proclamation)


"I AM" (The Lord is leading this special work forward and stands with me)


"You should be apart" (Set apart)


"You should be ordained"


"There is no one else who can do this"


"You're Roy. Why not formally bestow the keys?" (The Lord knows me by name, providing
formal recognition. See 2014-0522)


"It ends well" (Everything will end well for the Church in this)


"I have an idea... talk" (An open debate is what the Spirit is referring to here, and it's a great
point! One way you can know that this lecture is true and of God is simply to see if there is
anyone willing to stand up and defend the other side—in the public square—on everything that
has happened since 1852 in the handling of this issue. It's a pretty heavy lift to defend the
indefensible, and a losing argument in both public and private debate)


"Right" (The Spirit confirming above—open debate is the meaning)


"Put it in love" (The new proclamation of the Church and how it should be written. Show forth
charity to blacks today for all that happened)


"Yell it / Yellen" (WSE-SIM; The words spoken at the same time by the Spirit to illustrate two
different concepts.


The first part is to not hide the proclamation in the back pages of the Church website, but to
speak (yell) it from the rooftops.


The second part is to remember Treasure Secretary Janet Yellen's serious mistake in not reacting
properly to inflation indicators, and the hard work that has been required since then to get the

inflation in America back under control. The same thing is true here. The policy mistake of the
Church should have been fixed immediately in 1852 by Brigham and those around him, and not
have waited until 1978 when all the damage had already been done)


"One has to adjust" (React to things properly, that's just a part of life that all of us have to learn,
even the Church itself)


"You can trust me" (The Lord wants this done regardless of the consequences. But the outcome
should be quite favorable to the Church anyway)


"Seven days of revelation" (Another great point here by the Spirit. Much revelation has been
presented here in this lecture day by day over the last couple of weeks, more than seven
individual days, in fact, are included; and it would not be easy for someone else to try to do
something like this... to receive revelation seven consecutive days, or even just for three
consecutive days. The gift of revelation vs. the office of revelation is again what is referred to.
See LRPK-18 and see LRPK-28)


2024-0409 (Tue)


"I'm trying" (WSE-AP; Characterizing the thoughts of every prophet of the Church after
Brigham Young. The prophet is trying, but he can't seem to receive revelation to end the
priesthood ban)


"Try again" (The Lord responds to the prophet—Try again, revelation to end the ban is available
to you)


Great leaders of the Church—prophets, apostles, general authorities—who did important and
amazing things in the world during their ministries, struggled to find themselves spiritually on
the priesthood ban doctrine)


"These things happen" (Mistakes like this happen even in a true church of God)


"May be possible / apostle" (WSE-SIM; Play on words. It might be possible that an apostle of
the Lord is writing this lecture)


"It's not for us to judge" (WSE-AP; Characterizing the members of the Church, being silent on
priesthood ban issue)


It was not just the leaders of the Church who were at fault, it was also us, the members of the
Church, going to meetings every Sunday since 1852, who were at fault. We needed to stand up
and tell the leaders of the Church that what they had done in instituting the ban, and what they
had been doing all these years in supporting—and not fully repudiating—the ban by their
inaction, was morally wrong.


We needed to do in the context of the priesthood ban what Brother Patrick Kearon asked us to do
in the context of the refugee crisis in 2015. Below is an excerpt from the impressive JRE
testimony related to Brother Kearon's talk recorded in the journal (See 2017-0309).


2015 April Sunday Afternoon Session—where Brother Patrick Kearon gave a very powerful talk
on the plight of the refugees.
At the pinnacle moment of his talk, and really, the pinnacle moment
of the entire conference session as well, He said, "We must TAKE A STAND against

intolerance," speaking those words with great emphasis.


But our actions against intolerance by the Church should not have been through political
activism or protests, but just calmly and consistently talking with our local bishops and stake
presidents on the issue in every congregation worldwide. We should have reasoned it through in
problem solving mode with them to create a groundswell sufficient to bring about the change


Bottom line—it was we, the members of the Church, who were just as guilty of this big mistake
as our leaders.


"We're caught" (WSE-AP; ... in a trap of our own making, members of the Church and leaders


"One bad once" (No, the opposite was meant here by the Spirit. The ban was not just a singular
event at one moment in history in 1852. It was a mistake by everyone in the Church that has
extended up even to today)


"I'm a property owner" (WSE-AP; The evil mindset of a slave owner, thinking that he actually
owns other people)


"Illegal" (The ban was illegal, against the law of God)


"I don't think that we actually missed a day" (Revelation on this subject coming on so many days
since that first dream on March 17th. The very impressive, continuous flow being noted by the


2024-0411 (Thu)


-In this vision, as I lay in bed, I saw an illustration of America on a wall that had outlined the
migration path of the Saints from Nauvoo, Illinois, to Salt Lake City, Utah in 1846-1847, and
superimposed upon was a majestic painting of Brigham Young.


(VIS-TE; This vision through the Spirit was short, but it provided a nice reminder to me of the
great contributions Brigham Young made to the restored gospel and America. His faith,
devotion, and strong leadership were critical to the success of the Church after the martyrdom of
Joseph, leading the Saints west to their permanent home in Utah)


"He is with me every night" (WSE-AP; Characterizing words I would say. The Holy Ghost is
with me every night, the great gifts of the Spirit recorded daily in JRE)


"A tree did this" (This is a reference to the 2010 General Conference talk of Brother Uchtdorf
entitled "Of Things That Matter Most" in which he made an analogy of the rings of trees and
how during tough times, their growth slows down and they need to focus on survival first. In a
related pair of JRE testimonies, the Lord refers to me being a tree like that (see 2019-0123, and
then see 2019-0126)—the last 34 years of my life, the great trials I passed through, and the
unprecedented gifts of the Spirit that came as a result.


"Your last name" (I don't have a famous last name. I'm just a regular Latter-day Saint elder
growing up on the Wasatch Front... a reference to the lecture on raising the floor on what an
elder can do. See LRPK-22)


"It really helps" (This lecture is important to the future growth of the Church)


"OK, and?" (The Spirit is asking everyone: You've seen a lot now, but is there even more
revelation available on the subject? The answer: Absolutely. Limitless revelation is available)


"I have all the answers" (The Lord has all the answers. Revelation on this and many other
important matters for the Church and the world will be provided)


2024-0413 (Sat)


**Note: This first entry on AI, while it is off-topic, provides a little background to an entry that
came a few minutes later that is relative to the subject at hand. So, that's why I included it.


I was pondering on AI systems in the world—the major contributions that they are providing
today and will provide in the future as the technology continues to develop and improve—and
considering a few sample questions to ask the AI engine about myself and my family, as if there
was information available about me on the Internet that had already been crawled and processed.
One sample question that came to mind was "Where was Roy born?" In reaction to that question,
the Spirit interrupted my thoughts and spoke this:




(WSE-THO; This was quite amazing, and I'll explain why. The Spirit didn't answer the question
in my mind about where I was born—which would be Salt Lake City—but answered the
question as to when I was born—which was 1964. And through this exchange I would see that
the Spirit, in a friendly way, was mocking AI, as if it had misinterpreted my question. AI engines
today can easily answer questions like that correctly, but it took a lot of learning, programming,
testing, and improvement of AI technology over the years to reach that point, starting even with
the development of digital computers in the 1930s. And all of that knowledge came to man from
God, as will the new knowledge that comes to the AI industry in the years and decades ahead.
The Holy Ghost is infinitely more powerful and intelligent than AI, today and forever. To show
this comparison, you might look at something like this video of the solar system listed below.

The knowledge of AI on earth might be likened to the Tunguska Event meteor that begins the
video, whereas the knowledge of God, shared in a small way with us through the Holy Ghost,
might be likened to the sun that ends the video.




"I'm absolutely telling the truth" (WSE-AP; Characterizing me, that my testimony with respect to
this lecture, and these books overall, is absolutely true. I'm not lying. See LRPK-13 on that)


"What is Utah?" (Relates to the AI entry above. Here the Spirit is asking the question as if it was
submitting it to an AI engine. But the meaning is clear. Brigham Young made a huge impact on
the successful state and society of Utah that we enjoy today. Just like is portrayed by the earlier
vision of him superimposed upon the pioneer trail to lead the Saints to Utah, he was
instrumental, once the Saints had arrived here, to help settle and organize the state in the decades
that followed. Utah, indeed, was the right place for us to live. Brigham Young's leadership
contributed greatly to the success we all have enjoyed)


Paul?" (The Spirit is asking everyone. Is Roy like Saul or Paul? What does the evidence show?


Remember, the doctrine of the Church does not change facts, it has to interact with facts. This
lecture provides a factual record of spiritual gifts being manifest and I'm the only first-person
witness with direct knowledge of the events that brought it about.


"That is a violation" (WSE-AP; Characterizing what a critic of me would say, stating that what is
being done here does not follow the established order of the Church)


Follow the order of the Church—Yes. But this lecture follows the order of the Lord. When the
Holy Ghost provides this level of evidence, the Church must bend to it and not have a will of its
own. Priesthood keys bend to overwhelming evidence (A reference to that line in AWC can be
found at the end of lecture).


"Misinterpreted" (Repeated from the beginning days of this lecture, but more exact here.
Brigham Young misinterpreted the scriptures on this issue)


"We optimize day" (The scope of what the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost do in the world is
far beyond that of AI, optimizing the days of the people in all lands as they go about life in their
probationary state, and with an eye towards success in their eternal progression. AI can be very
helpful in support of the work of God though, as can all the other technologies given to man)


"For 30 minutes" (The Spirit asking everyone: How much revelation can someone else receive
during the day or night in a 30-minute period of time? In other words, a great gift of God is on
display and it's hard to compete with it)


"For 5 minutes" (Or even less time, asks the Spirit: How much revelation can someone else do in
a five-minute period of time?)


"That's why it's so important" (This very special, high-level revelation capability is why it's so
important to listen to, and help Roy, and also, to embrace his testimony)


"He's auditing" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a reader of this lecture, that I'm auditing the Church
history books on this subject)


As I pondered in my heart the entry in this lecture from last Sunday where the Spirit had said,
"You're Roy," the Spirit then followed up tonight, saying to me the following phrase:


"I know your name" (WSE-THO; Recognized, the Lord knows me and the work I'm doing)


"A minute" (WSE-THO; As I pondered the 30- and 5-minutes phrases in prior moments, the
Spirit followed up again, specifying even less time: How much revelation can someone else in
the Church do in 60 seconds? Funny! Who is the quick draw on revelation?)


"Like Lincoln" (A reference to that Gunsmoke character Cicero Wolfe—performed wonderfully
by the actor Paul Stevens—in the dream. That his big hat and other mannerisms were like those
of Abraham Lincoln, which was one reason why the Lord chose that example for the dream,
bringing his strong portrayal of integrity to lead the lecture off. Also, see 2021-0211 for a related


"I do it" (The Lord does his own work. He can give revelation directly to someone, whether that
be revelation on a small scale or on a large scale like this. See LRPK-05 and see LRPK-06 on the
Paul precedent about that)


2024-0414 (Sun)


"The gifts are true" (WSE-THO; As I pondered on the unbelief among everyone around me, the
Spirit spoke once again, confirming the work I'm doing. These gifts of the Spirit are true).


2024-0415 (Mon)


"They were gambling with the truth" (Brigham, and the Church leaders that followed, should
have gone with a quick and decisive exit from the ban. That was the right and sensible thing to
do given the obvious mistake that had occurred)


"It's the wrong Spirit" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a critic of this lecture and me, thinking these
things are coming from the wrong source. See LRPK-15 on discernment by a Church leader, all
the possible outcomes)


"What Roy has done here is what a prophet would do" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a reader of this
lecture with a positive reaction)


"The pain of being banned" (The pain and sadness experienced by blacks of being banned from
the priesthood and temple ordinances)


2024-0417 (Wed)


"Honor Russell" (To show honor and respect to President Nelson, one of great prophets of the
restored gospel)


"You're because" (You're an apostle—Roy—because of the important work that you're doing.
Creative grammar again by the Spirit)


"Most important work" (WSE-ACT; The Spirit confirming my comments above as I wrote them
at bedside, the important work that I'm doing)


"Atta-boy on the temple" (Using that "atta" term for a third time... the Spirit liking the phrase at
the beginning of the lecture that the temple is for everyone, and that it's always been that way)


"Does agree" (WSE-THO; This was spoken as I pondered the comments in the opening
statement about Joseph Smith and the Savior. The Savior absolutely agrees that the ban was
never approved by Him)


"Remove sore" (For me to be more sensitive in my word choice throughout the lecture... avoid
specific words that might be too strong)


"Upbraid enough, but not too much" (Like D&C 121... Reproving betimes with sharpness, when
moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward
him whom thou hast reproved


"Not too much easing either" (On the other hand, mistakes have been made and responsibility by
the Church needs to be taken in proclamation form. So, sharpness is definitely required overall)


"A witness of..." (A special witness of Jesus Christ)


"Help the world see" (... that the Church is true. Put Latter-day Saints on the map. See LRPK-21)


"You're authenticated" (... by the Spirit directly, called of God)


"Burke" (Members should be courageous and strong, and not react to this lecture in a wishy-
washy, tepid manner like Nathan Burke of the Gunsmoke TV show. He was a good citizen most
of the time, but he could also be lukewarm at times when circumstances required that he stand up
and do the right thing. Also see 2016-0208)


"Further delay" (... won't help. Immediate action on the proclamation is needed)


"It will be welcome" (The world will welcome this new proclamation)


2024-0418 (Thu)


"It's not as bad as it looks" (WSE-THO; As I pondered on the unbelief of friends, family and
local Church leaders around me. This statement by the Spirit was comforting to me, and I hope
it's true! I need everyone's help)


"I want to show you what a leader would do" (A leader would not be satisfied with the removal
of the ban only, but would want to correct the doctrinal mistake that caused it in the first place)


"The pain of being rejected" (There was not just the pain of being banned from the priesthood,
but the pain of being rejected overall... giving blacks for generations a feeling of not being fully
welcome to join the Church, and then once baptized, to not be considered members in good


2024-0419 (Fri)


"What kindness is it?" (What type of kindness to others do we believe in as Church members? A
kindness where past injustices of our own making are swept under the rug? That leaves our
hearts unsettled and our faith in God incomplete)


"A better end comes" (We must not be satisfied with the status quo. Perfection—a better end—
requires that we change and make the necessary fix)


"Because of the mistake, the Church is vulnerable" (Cracks in the Church foundation that need to
be fortified. Don't wait until the cracks become larger and more difficult to fix. Like the
Secretary Yellen reference before on inflation)


"365 days a year" (The Spirit reminding everyone that revelation is recorded in JRE every day.
This lecture is just a small part of it)


2024-0421 (Sun)


"Nobody cares about evidence, only priesthood keys" (That's the problem. It doesn't seem to
matter how much evidence I present, everyone always reverts back to the doctrine of priesthood
keys and authority as a protection to them)


"From Logan" (WSE-AP; Characterizing Church leaders reacting. All of this coming out of
Logan, who is this Roy Eddings guy?)


"Robert E." (A reminder of the humble and hard-working black character in the TV series Dr
Quin, Medicine Woman
with a setting also in the 1870s—played by Henry G. Sanders. He and
his wife Grace were great role models in that show. How could you exclude him and his wife
from the blessings of the priesthood and the temple? Or, for that matter, how could you exclude
any other soul on earth? It makes no sense. See 2022-1020 and a few other JRE references)


"Scam" (WSE-AP; A critic, seeing this work I'm doing as a scam)


"Possibly in one night" (WSE-AP; A Church leader wondering about so much revelation coming
in just one night)


"It may have happened" (WSE-AP; And then beginning to believe the more he reads)


"You are ready" (To share the message of these books in the public square, for both the Church
and the nation)


"Television" (Publicity, media, TV)


"Ask in faith" (That others will believe my testimony... many will believe)


"Many" (WSE-ACT; As I wrote "others" above, I then added "many" after it to clarify further
what the Spirit meant in that exchange. The Spirit then followed up and reaffirmed "many" as


"Just be you" (Be who I am, honest and sincere in my testimony)


"I can go" (Depart or leave is the meaning. The Holy Ghost is ready to confirm, but there are no
takers right now, an attitude of unbelief by so many that chases the Spirit away. Is there a
member or leader who has sincerely read these books and all of the lectures? And not just read
them, but embraced their truthful message as well? People are so busy with other things, making
it hard for the Spirit to break through and bear witness to them)


"Absolute evidence" (... has been provided in JRE)


"Absolutely" (Reaffirming above. Absolute evidence absolutely)


"They can keep playing" (Playing... being busy. Everyone is focused on their Church callings,
careers, and families, which is representative of the wonderful Latter-day Saint lifestyle, but they
are leaving great truths of the restored gospel on the table by ignoring this)


"Ignoring the Spirit" (And they are ignoring the obvious promptings of the Spirit concerning it)


"Beliefs will change" (... as they read the books. The destiny of the Church is to embrace all that
is written here. But agency is still there for everyone, even a large body of Church members. It's
like choosing between two beautiful Hope Diamonds, the one that you have now vs. another
even more beautiful one that the Lord desires you to have. See 2016-0608)


I—Roy—can help any one of you in establishing the truth of these books, but you need to work
with me day by day. It will help if you can see these gifts of the Spirit in operation close up, and
not as a Church administrator trying to evaluate everything from a distance. The Holy Ghost will
be part of the process of us working together in this manner. Each book you read, and each
LRPK lecture that you understand, can become a milestone in your pursuit of truth. Let us all
humble ourselves, and the Lord will prevail. I certainly need to improve, too, to help this process


"Because I'm not sure" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a sincere, but unsure reader of the lecture.
That's to be expected. It's all so new, and all, seemingly, too incredible)


But there is great wisdom here—nobody can deny that. There is so much wisdom and so much


There is wisdom in the words presented in quotes. There is wisdom in the words included within
parenthesis. And everything is indexed to spiritual gift codes shown in color within the text, with
fuller descriptions of them provided on the right panel that update automatically page by page.


And if there is too much of my commentary—like this third paragraph here that I am writing in
between—you find yourself looking for the words of the Spirit in quotes to continue again... to
see the Spirit speaking and guiding the process, sharing a new concept, reminding or reaffirming
something, giving a warning for the future, or simply demonstrating the continuous revelation
principle yet again through inspired words, visions or dreams. So, what will come next from the
Spirit still tonight? I don't know. Let's see what happens.


"I'm through... I'm finished" (Responding to my comments above, the opposite is meant. The
Spirit is not going to end tonight, or any other night)


"Statements no more / galore" (WSE-SIM; Very ingenious! Both "no more" and "galore" were
spoken simultaneously. Unbelief leads to a stoppage of revelation. Faith in Christ leads to more
and more revelation—statements of the Spirit galore. I love it!)


You can see all the work being done in just one night. That's why I can't hit the 9:00 AM meeting
schedule today of my home ward and need a waiver (See LRPK-08) to attend meetings of
another ward in the afternoon. And it's not just once a week on Sunday mornings, it's like this
seven days a week. So, it impacts my employment work schedule as well.


"Turn on the light" (... and a sign is given. I turn the light at bedside off and on throughout the
night to write)


The Spirit speaks, I write His words in quotes, and then additional thoughts and an interpretation
by me are provided about what was spoken. But the Spirit is found implicitly in the interpretation
and commentary part, too. If I make a mistake in those comments—which can happen—the
Spirit is ready to correct me in clarifying statements that follow.


"True" (WSE-THO; The Spirit immediately confirmed my comments above, showing this very
principle in operation)


"It's built up so much" (The volume of JRE is staggering. Daily revelation accumulates over
years and thereby builds up huge numbers)


"5 or 10?" (The Spirit asks if the revelation in JRE is a 5 out of 10 rating, or a 10 out of 10
rating... a 10 being like what is found in so many beautiful and powerful Latter-day Saint

scriptures, and in many passages of the Old and New Testaments. This simple, step-by-step
approach to revelation is different in style, but is just as impressive. Consider the thousands of
entries of JRE. It's just impossible to comprehend all that's there. The high volume and variety of
gifts of the Spirit break new ground in scripture and are a major support to the AWC and AWN
books it feeds into)


"Convenient" (This revelation is simple, clear, and speedily provided. It surely is very
convenient for me to go to the Spirit like this every night, all night long)


"It is a solve" (... helping us solve the issue, but also to better understand the issue. This
revelation process is literally line upon line, statement by statement, providing insight from
different angles)


"I AM" (Spoken softer)


"Tired" (Yes, the Lord knows I'm really tired, and there is probably more to write tonight as the
morning approaches. But I do need some sleep)


"Break-fasting" (A reminder from the Spirit that fast Sunday was last week. So, I can look
forward to breakfast in a few hours!)


"How about that?" (Looking at everything so far tonight, the focus of the Spirit has been more on
teaching the process of revelation to Church members. But it's important to understand the
process that creates this lecture so that, you as a reader, can know that these things are true)


"WE'RE NOT" (The opposite meant, obviously)


"The Godhead" (Three distinct beings)


"Three Guides" (Each member of Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost—having important
missions to perform, guiding the people of the earth towards truth and the salvation of their


"Presentation" (For me to make a presentation for priesthood leaders in person, with Q&A, both
locally and in Salt Lake)


What's amazing is that in prior discussions with virtually everyone, nobody has really asked me
any intelligent questions about what's going on, or followed up with in-depth questions on any
one of the thousands of testimonies listed in JRE. That's probably because I have so much to
share with them every time I speak and it can be overwhelming to try to understand. I have a
hard time even deciding myself what to present. There's just so much to choose from. Which
book do I start with? And what part of the book? Or do I begin with one of these lectures?


"We're working on it" (Very funny by the Spirit here! This is a paraphrased phrase from the old
TV show. Bret Maverick is swindled by a local banker in town and he just sits on a
chair on the sidewalk, whittling away on a piece of wood, day after day, seemingly doing

nothing. He tells everyone passing by that he is working on getting his money back, which
embarrasses the banker in front of the towns people and gives them a good laugh. He finally does
get his money back at the end, but nobody knows how he did it. In other words, we're—the Lord
and me—working on getting these books out and vetted by the Church)




"Apos-ability" (No apostasy here. The Lord has given me a near perfect faith that provides high-
level revelation capability)


"Keys of truth" (Abundantly bestowed)


2024-0422 (Mon)


"It's a big deal" (This lecture)


"Revelation continues" (Just another routine day of revelation from the Lord)


"I hate to say it, but Roy is right" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a critic of me changing his mind)


"I couldn't deny the truth of this" (WSE-AP; The same critic)


"This came from God" (There should be no more defense of the priesthood ban, explicitly or


"You've read the word. The Word has spoken"


"The impact to the Church begins now"


"We find you guilty, Roy" (We find you guilty of having an extraordinary gift of God. In other
words, a waiver should be granted for me on the priesthood keys issue and that should suffice.
See LRPK-08)


"Ramping up the Church" (... with a new apostle like Paul on board. That's a good thing)


"Stand tall / Paul" (WSE-SIM)


"Just do you your best, your very best" (For me to do my best to make a big impact on the world.
A reference to AWN, other goals to accomplish that go beyond the Church itself. See LRPK-22)


"You can rely on" (... the gifts of the Spirit to help me in doing this work)


"All of these lectures" (Pretty much any one of them can win the debate on the priesthood keys
and authority issue all by itself, but there are 42 of them. So, there is more than enough)


"Past 8 months" (Reminding me of the last 8 months, how the Lord has helped me in creating all
of these lectures, including this one. The lectures make it so much easier for me to answer
questions about the gospel principles that apply to the new books)


"So grateful" (Everyone in the Church should be grateful for this breakthrough and not be
suspicious and dismissive)


"The probability of a miracle?" (Good question by the Spirit. Does everyone believe that a
revelation gift miracle like this from an average elder of the Church is possible? How else can
Latter-day Saints make big things happen in the world without a new precedent being set? There
is just no other way. See LRPK-26)


"Getting to a half percent" (WSE-THO; As I pondered on the earlier reference in this lecture of
the Church at 17 million members being only 0.2% of the world population, the Spirit then spoke
this—that we should get to 40 million members, or 0.5% of the world population. To do that a
major change in the Church is needed. The 300K converts range year after year won't get the job


"I was under the impression" (... that love should be a driving force in all priesthood actions and
decisions? Then why did we bypass love and go straight to a ban of blacks in 1852?)


"I guess I'll guess" (WSE-AP; Characterizing someone who is unsure in their faith and prayers.
No, we should not be guessing. Confirmation on this from the Lord will come to you. There is no
conflict here with regard to priesthood authority, just special circumstances)


"A team leader" (See LRPK-28 for more on this. The title of Item F in that lecture is as follows:
We Need Team Coordinators, and not so Much Reliance on Powerful Priesthood Leaders to

Grow and Build the Church)


"Basketball player" (Members leading the Church forward without waiting to be told what to do.
That's how Zion is created in wards and stakes. The example of James in AWC as embodied in
the quote below. Reference at end of lecture)


It was the moment for an able-bodied man to sense the opportunity, to see what was needed, and
then to step forward, lead
, and act. And James did just that. He stepped forward on his own
without waiting for someone to tell him what to do


2024-0424 (Wed)


"Has not been repudiated" (Yes, that's the problem. Half repudiation by the Church right now is
not really repudiation at all)


Slavery = 100% repudiation by the Church. Great!

Jim Crow = 100% repudiation by the Church. Great!

Priesthood ban on blacks = 25-50% repudiation by the Church? Not good at all.


"Good cause" (Getting the new proclamation going)


"Keep guessing" (The opposite is meant. No, it's time to bring the matter to a close in the Church
and stop searching for a possible justification. There was no legitimate doctrinal reason or
revelation that led to the ban's creation in 1852)


Surely, we as a Church would not want to reinstitute the priesthood ban today in 2024, how
horrible that would be! That point alone demonstrates how bad the ban truly was all those years.


"Atta-close that door" (Atta again, but this time used a little sarcastically by the Spirit. In other
words, we should resolve the issue now and not try to sweep it under the rug yet again)


"Light of Christ" (Our consciences—the light of Christ—would not approve of the ban's creation
or lead us to support it. Everyone knows in their hearts that it was morally wrong)


"It went over your head?" (Is the doctrine behind the ban too complicated—a way of the Lord we
don't understand? Or is it just wrong? Answer: It's just wrong)


"Give back" (Do more for blacks around the world—like more perpetual education programs and
humanitarian initiatives. Let's greatly expand these programs and do far more than we are doing


"Fresh news" (Revelation is like that, fresh news from heaven on this)


"Join me" (Join with the Lord in this new proclamation)


"Move along" (... nothing to see here, everything is ok. The wrongful thinking that the doctrine
behind the ban was ok, that it was just a temporary measure, and once it had outlived its
usefulness, it would be ended... like what happened in 1978. That kind of philosophy or doctrine
makes no sense. What possible usefulness did the ban ever serve in the Church? None
whatsoever. It was a stumbling block for the Church, and not anything beneficial or to be proud


"Mosiah" (A follow up from yesterday about members taking the lead. This is a pivotal point in
the history of the Church. Similar to what happened in King Mosiah's reign, members today
should stand up and take more responsibility upon themselves for the success of the Church, and
not rely so much upon the leaders in Salt Lake to do so much for them, as in these AWC quotes)


Decentralization of power, and a greater autonomy for stakes.


Each stake aspires to become a city of Zion all its own.


"A sign of righteousness" (The opposite is meant. Support for the ban, in practice or in theory, is
not a sign of righteousness. The doctrine of the ban is not a hidden treasure of the gospel, nor
does it teach us about the eternal nature of things in the celestial kingdom)


Ridiculous Thing #1—Parents in the Church teaching their children that the ban of the
priesthood was necessary, and not a mistake.

Ridiculous Thing #2—White children of the Church saying to black children that the ban of the
priesthood was necessary, and not a mistake.


The truth being—the ban was not necessary and it was a mistake. That's what all children need to


2024-0426 (Fri)


"Reality" (Focus on what's true and what's actually happening with respect to the spiritual gifts
and the message I'm presenting, not speculation on a priesthood leader's part, and not theorizing.
We're all friends and on the same team. Figuring these things out between us and establishing the
truth should not be a burden, but an opportunity to learn and grow)


"The Savior doesn't support what they did" (Similar to the prior statement, but these words used
by the Spirit today are clear and more precise. Are there any members of the Church who
actually believe that the Savior would initiate a ban of blacks from the priesthood and temple
ordinances? That kind of mindset goes against your own testimony of the goodness and
perfection of Jesus Christ. He would never do something like that)


"Just say 'Ya'" (... to the new proclamation)


"Understand? Understand Roy" (This is a reference to a popular clip on YouTube of Gunnery Sgt
Foley—played by the famous black actor Louis Gossett Jr.—meeting his officer candidates for
the first time in Officer and a Gentleman. He says "Every time I say 'Understand?' I want the
whole group to say 'Yes Sir,'" to which they all respond accordingly in a powerful way.


The meaning here is clear. In 1948, President Truman signed an executive order abolishing
discrimination in the United States Armed Forces. Even at this late date, the Church could have
used that important moment of history—following the military's example—to end the ban. A
year earlier in 1947, Jackie Robinson was signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking a barrier as
the first black player in the major leagues. And then in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed by
Congress prohibiting discrimination in public places and in employment, and integrating schools.

Any one of these three important milestones of the civil rights movement would have been
excellent choices for the Church to acknowledge the mistake and make a course change.


But there are more dates to choose from, even back in Brigham Young's time. In 1863, the
Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln, ending slavery. In 1865, the Civil
War ended, bringing peace and a fresh start for the country. In 1868, the 14th Amendment to the
United States Constitution was passed on citizens rights and equal protection under the law. Any
of these monumental events of the 1860s would have been the perfect backdrop for Brigham and
leaders around him to end the ban and create a new start for the Church.


In the first days of this lecture, I "guessed" in my heart about the example of America as the
broader context in which the Church was operating—a nation having a blind spot on civil rights,

but still the greatest nation ever. But then I realized that such an analogy wouldn't work because
the Church was expected to have a higher standard than America. Well, as you can see in these
six milestone events above, it was actually America that was out in front, leading the way. The
Church did not follow America's example until long after.


"I probably would do more" (The Spirit is being a little sarcastic. The meaning is like the "Give
back" of a couple days ago. That the Savior would do far more than what the Church is doing in
terms of helping blacks in Church programs and initiatives throughout the world)


"Mistake" (The same familiar word spoken, but I could discern that the Spirit was referring to
another key mistake in the history of the Church. The Savior and Joseph Smith himself would
agree that a catastrophic error occurred in the loss of the 116 pages of the early Book of Mormon
translation. So, prophets do make mistakes, even Joseph, who was receiving revelation at the
highest level imaginable for a Latter-day Saint. And if Joseph can make a mistake on something
that important, it's all the more easy to understand why Brigham, and all the prophets who
followed him, could make a serious mistake on the priesthood ban)


2024-0428 (Sun)


"It doesn't leave any margin for error" (The Spirit is continuing from Friday on mistakes of
prophets, putting focus on another long-held belief of the Church, spoken by Wilford Woodruff,
that "a prophet will never lead the Church astray." That's just not a principle that any prophet can
live up to. There are too many situations in the life of a prophet where mistakes can potentially
be made. The priesthood ban is a glaring example of that, but there are certainly others. So, as
the Spirit says, that statement of Wilford Woodruff doesn't leave any margin for error and should
be abandoned)


Don't require perfection from a prophet or any priesthood leader. Honesty, transparency, and if
possible, daily revelation like you see here, should be the goal. No prophet—and no group of
prophets and apostles—is going to be able to be perfect in his leadership duties. Wilford
Woodruff, John Taylor, Brigham, and all prophets since, through their actions on the priesthood
ban, have proven that such an expectation of any and all Church leaders is just not practical to


And what would you prefer? A prophet receiving revelation every day, who is documenting all
large and small spiritual events in his life for everyone to read, and who quickly shows through
his transparency mistakes as they occur? Or a prophet who is holding fast to the principle of

infallibility, both for himself and past prophets, such that mistakes that do happen are not
considered mistakes at all and laid aside, creating confusion in the Church.


Continuous improvement techniques help businesses identify mistakes and plan for them... like
the Edward Demings principles of quality control that were so inspirational to me as I learned
them in my early days at Bourns. Revelation from the Lord will come to us—as a Church and
individually as members—amidst those mistakes, and we learn important things that we can
apply in our lives.


We learned from Joseph's weakness in dealing with Martin Harris on the lost pages. We learned
from Lehi's murmuring as times were tough and no food was obtained in the wilderness. We
learned from the Brother of Jared's mistake in not calling upon the Lord as he should have for the
prior 4 years. We learned from the disobedience and outright rebellion against the truth of Alma
the Elder, Alma the Younger, the sons of Mosiah, Amulek, Zeezrom, and Paul in their prior
lives, and how they repented and changed to become among the most powerful prophets and
apostles that ever lived on earth. We learned from Jonah's avoidance of the city of Nineveh, not
wanting to go there initially to call the people to repentance. We learned from Peter's denial of
Christ three times and the remorse he felt. We learned from the mistakes of all of the Twelve
Apostles of the Lord in the New Testament—including obviously Thomas—who were always
slow to understand and believe, notwithstanding the Savior was there with them all the time and
teaching them. And we learned from the prophets David and Solomon, and all the things that
they lost, after so much light, knowledge, and even great temporal blessings had been bestowed
upon them.


So, mistakes of prophets are plentiful throughout the scriptures, and imperfections are found
even in the scriptures themselves... as Moroni noted specifically about the Book of Mormon. To
quote from AWC: Jesus Christ is perfect. The scriptures that testify of Him are not perfect. The
same is true of all of us—members and leaders both—living today. That's why a proclamation on
the ban now, in 2024, is so important, to admit to the world that we within the Church are human
and seeking to perfect ourselves.


2024-0429 (Mon)


"Get more answers" (We should prepare our hearts to receive much more revelation than what
we have received in past generations of the Utah era Church. And more revelation not just at the
Church level, but at the individual member level as well)


"I would lead" (The Savior is willing to supervise daily operations of the Church more closely if
the faith is there. The principles of Zion in A Wonderful Church are the pathway to build such
faith in the Church today, and in the generations to come)


"Underestimating" (That friends, family, local leaders have underestimated the power and
importance of these books, not prioritizing their time properly to assist me)


"I don't want you to feel Bear" (A reference to the character Bear Sanderson—played by Morgan
Woodward—in the Gunsmoke episode referenced in this lecture. That the Lord wants us to see
the harshness of his character towards other races and peoples, and learn lessons from it. The ban
was reflective of a general insensitivity to civil rights that we as a Church should not have had all
these years)


"Sora" (A play on words with the character name of Bear Sanderson's daughter Cora—played by
the actress Donna Mills. To see the change in her, too, as one well-educated and polished in
many ways, but still having prejudices—the soreness in her heart and the pain she caused
others—to overcome. Her warm and heart-felt talk with Cicero after the trial shows a good
pattern for the love and compassion we should bring to bear in recognition of our mistake)


"Lack of offense on both sides" (The opposite is meant here by the Spirit. There was no offense
committed by blacks towards the Church, but there was an offense committed by the Church
towards blacks)


"Look into my eyes and see if I am lying" (WSE-AP; Characterizing me. There is no lie. My
testimony in these lectures and the three books is true)


Asking the person in question—me—to be honest and truthful in his testimony of events should
come first in the spiritual gifts discernment process. A Church leader should not counsel
someone to bear false witness on things in order to comply with the standard order of the
Church. The Savior would not want that, and no prophet of the Church would want someone to
do that. Follow the truth wherever it needs to go. See LRPK-13.


"The original problem" (The Race and the Priesthood essay on the Church website is helpful as a
narrative, and for some background on the flow of events, but it doesn't address the original
problem and the scope of the doctrinal error that is still accepted by the Church today. There is
partial admission, but not full responsibility for the harm done. Remember, America was leading
the way, out in front of the Church on the civil rights issue during the 126-year period of the ban.
That should not have happened. The Church should have been exemplary, a leader on civil
rights, showcasing a higher standard in 1852, and then afterwards, throughout our history)


2024-0430 (Tue)


"We support the ban fully" (WSE-AP; Characterizing the members of the Church wrongly
clinging to the doctrine of the ban)


"Good example" (The Spirit asking the members to be a good example to the world on civil
rights. Support for the ban makes that impossible to do)


"You're a fraud if you say no" (WSE-AP; Characterizing the members again, trying to protect the
legacy of the ban in Church history)


**Lecture continues. Go to May tab.


2024-0502 (Thu)


"It's not an innocent" (The Church is not innocent on the ban. It must accept culpability)


"You've lost the Spirit" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a critic, saying that I've lost the Spirit because
of the critical nature of this lecture)


"They have to receive a miracle" (Church members need to receive this miracle of revelation and
spiritual gifts that is right before them)


"You did it with the Savior" (The work I'm doing, this lecture, working with the Spirit of the
Lord, day by day)


"He's so negative" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a member of the Church reading the lecture and not
feeling happy about it, still wanting the historical ban policy to be considered as legitimate)


"What do we need to do?" (WSE-AP; Church leaders try to figure out a response. But the only
response is to obey the lecture and do a new official declaration as is stated. There is no other
appropriate public response that can be done)


"I don't see how a mistake can be made if the prophet is infallible" (WSE-AP; Characterizing the
confusion on the part of leaders and members of the Church. A prophet is not infallible, and
mistakes have been and will continue to be made by all prophets. These things happen every


2024-0503 (Fri)


"This hurts from the beginning" (The ban did hurt to blacks from the beginning. The premise of
the doctrine was wrong)


"The worst guy in town" (Characterizing me, how I have felt over the last 34 years. It's hard for
Church members to see the reality of my testimony and judge righteously)


"What is a manifestation of the Spirit?" (... asks the Spirit. Do we have a manifestation of the
Holy Ghost here or is Roy making it up? Does anybody know? See LRPK-24 and see LRPK-15)


"Revelation happens automatically" (Daily... so easy for me)


"Joy" (Revelation brings joy, the presence of the Holy Ghost constantly like this uplifts you)


"Just build it up" (Build up the draft version of Official Declaration 3, get some publicity)


2024-0504 (Sat)


"Make less" (This is a quote from a scene of the movie The Big Short at the Standard and Poor's
rating agency during the 2008 financial crisis. The priesthood ban is like a group of subprime

bonds that the Church needs to officially downgrade, take the loss from, and clear off the books
permanently. The point made by the actor portraying Mark Baum to the rating agency
representative was "If you can afford to make less, make less," and not keep overvaluing the
bonds as triple A to investors and the public. In other words, we as a Church have worried too
much about losing part of our historical legacy that might come by admitting the mistake.
Instead, we should be satisfied to make less in legacy and reputation in the PR world and just
focus on doing the right thing and obeying the Lord. That's the only thing that matters in the end)


Full 3-minute video from the movie is provided for context. The statement referred to is at 1:54.




"You don't just say that's a bad idea" (WSE-AP; We as a Church worrying about the impact of
such a dramatic repudiation of the ban, thinking a decision like that is not something you just do


"That's a bit risky" (WSE-AP; Again, we worry too much about the risks, and not what is true)


"You're swept aside" (If this lecture is swept aside, it's laying aside an important moral principle
that we need to be adhering to. That is what the Church is all about—teaching and obeying moral
principles. So, repudiating the ban is about helping make the Church and the members more
Christlike and to get us in compliance with the laws of God on civil rights)


"Roy es un prophet" (The Spirit mixing in Spanish words. A reference to the events in
Switzerland and Ecuador recorded in JRE from 1989-1990. Those exciting, but challenging
experiences helped prepare me for the work I'm doing now and were very important. See JRE
reference at end of lecture)


If you acknowledge the growth in faith and spiritual gifts that comes to a man who passes
through decades of experiences as a Church leader, and that leads, ultimately, to him being
prepared and called to be an apostle or prophet, then why not acknowledge the growth in faith
and spiritual gifts that comes to a man who passes through unprecedented experiences in non-
traditional ways? Why accept one preparatory pathway that is more common, but not accept the
other pathway that is less common?


To quote from AWC:


As Paul would say—a long and storied career in Church leadership is not the only means by
which apostleship and the gift of a seer is bestowed upon man.


Bottom Line—It's not disrespectful to a president of the Church (or to a leader like Peter of the original Church when Paul came along) for the Lord to work outside of the formally-called
Church leadership to do a special calling with Churchwide and/or worldwide impact. The Lord
can do that sort of thing, and it's not a problem. See LRPK-05; see LRPK-06; and see LRPK-22.


"Trying to figure out what to do" (The dilemma of Church leaders on this)


"Other ones" (WSE-AP; A reader of this lecture realizing that there are 41 other lectures he still
needs to read through)


"It's got the most" (WSE-AP: The same reader characterized, noting that this lecture is quite
large. The other lectures, however, are just one page, or a few pages each, and thus easy to read)


"Overall" (Looking at the totality of the lecture so far after 8 weeks, only a fool would deny all
of these gifts and testimonies of the Holy Ghost. It's hard for anyone to compete with it)


"He's a white man" (Referring to my brother Eric from the opening dream of the lecture. The
point being made by the Spirit is that if you have Eric sitting on a bench in church, and a black
man is sitting next to him, how in the world could you think that Eric is somehow worthy to hold
the priesthood and the black man is not? How can any man or woman of God think that way?
The mere thought that there is a difference between those two men before God—whether it was
today, or at any time in the history of the world—is sinful in itself. That's just nuts)


"Bow magic" (A little play on words by the Spirit. It's a reference to Nephi taking the newly
created bow to Lehi and asking him where he should go to find food. That's what I am doing
here. Like Nephi, I'm bringing these lectures and books and presenting them to local Church
leaders for escalation. I have actually done this already, but I was not able to find anyone to
believe my testimony. It's well documented in many 2022 and 2023 entries of JRE—a revelation
project in itself showing the direction of the Spirit I received before the meetings and after)


"Nephi" (Reaffirming the meaning I took from the above statement, that it was in regards to the
lesson of Nephi presenting the bow to Lehi, which is what I did formally to local leaders in the
past two years)


"Those are identical" (WSE-AP; The Spirit characterizing a reader finding duplication in the
lecture, and that I should avoid redundancy as much as possible. Yes, I'll check on that and try to
fix any duplication that might have crept in)


2024-0505 (Sun)


"It changes" (WSE-AP; A reader noticing that more has been added since the last time, seeing
the lecture growing)


"There's something every day" (WSE-AP; Realizing almost every day, something new)


"Oh my God!" (COM-VV2; As this was spoken, I saw short vision of a news reporter from back
East. He was initially shocked as he loaded the Official Declaration 3 draft website, but then he
started chuckling and was quite pleased with it after reading)


"A nightmare" (It's a big PR issue for Church initially, but that will change once the declaration
is adopted)


"It really wasn't much of a dream" (The opposite is meant by the Spirit. The dream on March 17th
about Cicero Wolfe had a very powerful message to get everything started on the lecture)


"So, you're fast enough" (That I'm fast enough on revelation, the quick draw in a showdown)


"Take years to catch up" (JRE is out in front, 29,000+ entries ahead of anyone else. It would be
hard for someone to start recording revelation beginning today and then be able to catch up)


"This knowledge changes the Church" (The knowledge from the Lord provided in this lecture is
not mere belief, it brings new knowledge, wisdom, and understanding)


-In this vision, as I lay in bed, I saw a priesthood leader—a bishop or stake president—lying in
bed, listening for the Spirit and trying to receive revelation the way I do. I could see the sincerity
and warmness in his relationship with the Lord, and a strong desire to work with the Spirit and
search these things out. So, JRE provides great insight into how the revelation process works and
it can be a great tool for all members and leaders of the Church. See LRPK-12. VIS-TE)


2024-0506 (Mon)


"In a delicate reason" (The reason why the priesthood ban is considered a delicate and sensitive
subject in the Church is because it was a very bad policy with no moral footing. It's been
uncomfortable for Church members to talk about it for that very reason. Btw, interesting
grammar, word choice by the Spirit)


"Many for Russell" (Many testimonies of the Holy Ghost here for Church leaders to read and


"You're a friend" (Friend, known to the Lord)


"You walk with me" (Very beautiful words. Also, see 2019-0526)


"We'll always have that ban" (WSE-AP; Characterizing the members of the Church essentially
saying something nonsensical as this—We want the priesthood ban of blacks to be accepted by
the world as a valuable part of our history. It speaks to who we are as a people)


"Making me feel bad" (The ban made blacks—and all men and women of all races with a
heart—feel bad inside. It was not faith-promoting and it was not a message of glad tidings to the


"We have the time. Due process" (WSE-AP; Church leaders realizing that these new books take
priority over other matters of business in the Church. Due process means to work with me day by
day over weeks and months to help establish the truth of my testimony, as in the introduction at
the beginning of this lecture series)


"They'll read it" (Church leaders, the draft proclamation)


"They have to do it" (Official Declaration 3. There is no choice. It has to be done)


"It needs to be removed" (The ban has to be repudiated fully and no longer considered as
legitimate doctrine in any way. Get it off the books)


"True non-believers" (Members and leaders not believing this lecture, and they stay true to their
unbelief even when the evidence presented is overwhelming. A little sarcasm by the Spirit)


"By the way..." (The Church is still true even with this mistake being recognized. That's for


"This will screw up their faith" (The opposite is meant by the Spirit. The new proclamation will
be a big boost to the Church)


"Stand up" (Everyone in the Church, leaders and members both, should stand up together and
gladly proclaim this new message to the world)


2024-0507 (Tue)


"Continue" (WSE-THO; As I pondered on how many more days or weeks this theme of blacks
and priesthood will continue from the Lord, the Spirit said this, overlaying my thoughts. So, I
guess it will continue on for a while and there is more to come)


"And it will continue to be..." (true, the lecture continues to be true)


"All we can do to help and support" (WSE-AP; Characterizing supporters, reading the proposed
proclamation on the website. That's what I need to happen)


"Raise Kimball" (Recognize President Kimball's leadership in ending the ban in 1978. It was a
great moment in time)


"It's time" (And now it's time for these books, for these lectures. Everything is ready)


"Truth has been established through a new means" (A new apostle like Paul called, a new


"June, July" (WSE-THO; As I pondered the "Continue" statement above, and thinking that I
should put tabs at the top of the lecture reading frame for March, April and May, the Lord
followed up, saying I will need tabs for June and July as well)


"You'll be recognized" (Repeated often, recognized by the Church)


"Council" (A special council of the Church is needed, not to punish me, but to get these books
vetted and published formally)


"Who knows what's going to happen in prior months?" (WSE-THO; As I wondered in my mind
if there truly will be more revelation on this ban subject in June and July as stated above, the
Lord kind of refuted me in a funny way, saying that everybody can see the past, but only a
prophet can see the future)


"I can't get the people of the earth to listen" (WSE-AP; The Spirit characterizing the lament of
the President of the Church, the world largely ignoring his prophetic message of the restored
gospel and the Book of Mormon)


I can't get members and leaders of the Church to listen (... says Roy, my words in response. The
Church is ignoring the message of these books and lectures, a microcosm of what the President
of the Church is experiencing on his side. If the Church will embrace my testimony, then the
restored gospel will be strengthened, and the message of the President of the Church will go
forth with greater power to the world. See LRPK-40)


"PR" (WSE-THO; As I pondered on the acronym "PRPK" that I use for the lectures—later
changed to "LRPK"—the Spirit overlaid my thoughts, saying that I need the first part of that
"PR," public relations, to get everything out there in the public eye and discovered)


"The biggest thing" (No question about that. This level of revelation is the biggest event in the
post-1847 period of the Church. It's truly amazing what's been happening here in Logan)


"You'll be the defendant" (Defendant before the Church leadership. I surely hope not. There is no
reason for that. We are all on the same team and the Spirit is driving the work I'm doing)


"My Spirit" (The Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Ghost is here every night)


"You better walk the line" (WSE-AP; Characterizing Church leaders, trying to correct me rather
than support me in this work. Also see 2022-0410, a nice testimony with similar wording)


"Refrigerator" (Reminding me where things began in 2011, writing words at bedside. I had a
mini refrigerator at bedside in the early years to put my notepad and pen to write; and then I had
a special nightstand made, which has been great! See 2023-0218)


"Tent" (I've been doing difficult hourly work the last three years to support myself, like Paul as a
tentmaker in a sense)


2024-0508 (Wed)


"A very special witness" (To be faithful to the callings and great testimonies given to me. A
special witness of Christ)


2024-0509 (Thu)



"I'm saved" (Another important point. What about the impact to blacks—as members, and as
investigators hearing the missionary discussions—all those years during the ban wondering and
worrying about their status before God, like perhaps there was something wrong with them in the
eternal scheme of things because of their race? And this worrying would be not just for
themselves, but for their spouses, their children, their grandchildren, etc.; and then going the
other way in the family tree—their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and great
grandparents, etc.


If a leader singles out a group of people for exclusion from the priesthood and temple ordinances
on the one hand—through his actions, or the Church's actions—the words he says to ease their
concerns may not come across as particularly reassuring or convincing)


"What you're capable of doing" (The Lord has prepared me to do important things. The gifts of
the Spirit are not being bestowed arbitrarily upon me)


Let's suppose I were to stand down and not do this work, who will then step forward and do it?
Should the important work I'm doing—and proposing to do in the future—not be done at all?
Who else is ready with the high-level gifts of the Spirit, the framework of principles already laid
out in detail, and the confidence to transform both the Church and the nation? See LRPK-02.


"Take more serious" (Church leaders need to take the work I'm doing serious. Not serious in
trying to reprimand me, but serious in terms of seeing the opportunity that's being presented here
for the Church. One should be positive and hopeful in the discernment and vetting process, and
avoid cultural bias. Joseph Smith would be that way. See LRPK-14, and then also see LRPK-37
for ten recommendations based on the interactions I've had with leaders over the years:


2024-0510 (Fri)


"You'll always have my Spirit to be with you... an apostle" (Very nice!)


2024-0511 (Sat)


"What you need—council" (Repeated again. A special Church council to seek out the truth of my
testimony is needed)


"Reorder McKay" (The Lord wants to bring back—place a second order for—the David O.
McKay precedent and apply it here with me. David's innovations as an assistant in the Sunday
School Presidency at a stake level were adopted by the First Presidency and implemented
Churchwide. See LRPK-09)


"On a road I don't know" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a leader, trying to evaluate the work I'm
doing and going into unknown territory)


"We'll protect you" (Nice! Help from the heavens to make this successful)


2024-0512 (Sun)


"It's the revelation that made it so exciting and interesting" (Revelation throughout this lecture
gives it great power, and makes it very interesting, too)


"You already have a revelation expert in front of you" (29,000+ instances of the Holy Ghost—as
recorded in JRE—does make me an expert on the subject of revelation)


"He did something creative" (WSE-AP; A reader of these books is characterized trying to
provide positive feedback on the good that he sees. He is not sure whether it's true overall, so he
says "creative" as a lukewarm, middle-of-the-road characterization when offering his opinion.
That way he avoids going out on a limb and can't be criticized for supporting me. That's not the
way a reader should be. Kind of like the "Burke" reference of the TV show Gunsmoke from


"Taken into account" (The meaning here by the Spirit—We've taken the truth of your testimony
into account, but we prefer a Church leadership resume instead. In other words, the Paul
precedent is not good enough)


"Twelve... the size of twelve" (The foundation of prophets and apostles of the Church provides
fantastic leadership, absolutely. Fifteen in total)


"Wise men" (The First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles are very wise men)


"Worth repeating" (... that the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles are wise men)


"But we do need to fix this" (But the ban policy still needs to be fully repudiated. The truth of the
matter being established is more important than any loss of honor to prophets and apostles in
Church history, or to those living today. As the truth takes the lead in all things, the Church will
prosper more and more)


"You have treated Roy so badly in this" (The Lord is with me, but nobody has been helping and
supporting me. That makes it much harder for me to be successful in this work)


"Talk about things" (Members should talk to their friends and neighbors about the mistake.
Smile and sincerely tell them how sorry we are that we allowed this mistake to be made, and
then to be considered as legitimate all those years. Honesty and sincerity—what a great
combination! It can do wonders)


"Pick a new future for the Church" (A great future awaits us. We choose a new pathway for the
Church in the world, which allows us to become better known, to succeed more, and to grow


"We're loved" (WSE-AP; Let blacks throughout the world feel our love and our remorse of
conscience for what happened for so long)


"It was left unsaid" (In Official Declaration 2, and in other Church communications, the most
important thing was left unsaid—that the ban policy did not come through revelation and was a
serious mistake)


The status quo of the Church on this issue has caused hurt for a very long time.


Men and women of God must come forward in the public eye, admit the truth of such things, and
not allow this injustice of Church history to stand.


"Seat belt" (Driving in the restored gospel safely, with our seat belts on, following the law of
God on civil rights)


"Clean air" (We want to make the restored Church environment fully clean, correcting the civil
rights abuses in Church history that still dirty the air around us)


"Lincoln" (Obviously, Abraham Lincoln would want us to repudiate the ban and heal the wounds
in the nation it caused)


"Mountaintop... you're going to get there" (Mount Zion, we need to become a more perfect
Church and more perfect members)


2024-0514 (Tue)


"These are real" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a Church leader looking at the revelation entries in
this lecture and in JRE. It is real revelation, not something made up)


"Check and see if it meets gospel standards" (As you read the 42 lectures, including this one, you
will see that important gospel principles are identified that can be relied upon to support this


-In this vision, as I lay in bed, I didn't see anything visually, just heard the song "Everybody
Plays the Fool" through the Spirit for a few moments.


(COM-SOA3; Very nice! The meaning was that everybody makes mistakes in life, even leaders
and members of a true Church of God, making reference to this wonderful, reassuring song from
1971 by the soul and R&B group "Main Ingredient")




"You need to take off your shoes" (A reminder that the Spirit is with me all night long and I
should not take the gifts for granted. The words I record are sacred)


"Wait for the message to get amplified" (Official Declaration 3, hoping it will be seen, amplified,
and drive the necessary change in the Church)


"Right this minute" (Amplify now. Change should happen immediately)


"The biography begins" (Scrutiny of me begins, public figure in the news if the message is


2024-0516 (Thu)


"You're under oath" (That I need to tell the truth before this priesthood body of the Church, and
that's what I'm doing)


"To do noth" (The last word is cutoff abruptly by the Spirit in a sort of wordplay... to do nothing
would be wrong and the Church risks losing important blessings that it needs. So, please obey
the Lord in this)


"Let's say we hear from NBC?" (WSE-AP; What do we do? Characterizing Church leaders,
worrying about media inquiries about this draft proclamation as it gets more publicity)


"It comes through revelation" (This lecture comes through revelation. The priesthood ban in
1852 did not)


2024-0517 (Fri)


"Witnesses" (I need all I can get to help me, who believe my testimony)


"I've been on the front line" (WSE-AP; Characterizing me, I'm all by myself on the front line
here, nobody helping)


"I've got a stone to touch" (The Lord is ready to touch a stone and make it bright. As I progress
in faith, greater things can be shared with me by the Lord, just like in the story of the Brother of
Jared. There really are no limits)


"I only got one positive feedback" (WSE-AP; Characterizing me. The opposite is meant. The
public reaction to this Official Declaration 3 should be overwhelmingly positive, and not just one
person expressing support).


"We'll address the issue of fairness" (WSE-AP; Characterizing Church leaders stepping forward
to fix the issue, realizing that basic fairness to blacks was ignored for so many years)


"Do you think that Paul would know?" (Yes, Paul would be able to know that my testimony is
true, and he could certainly identify with the unique way in which my calling was done by the


"Try" (To try to meet again with local leaders on this. It's difficult, but I really need their help
and support to make this rollout of books as easy as possible. Figure out a way to break the


"I'm on your side" (The Lord is with me)


"Get approval" (As said before, a council is needed to vet these books and lectures)


"How they get approval" (And the process of a council itself would need to be figured out as
well, to formalize it. But that should be easy once more people have read all the books. It's
unbelief holding everything back right now)


"Not a shining moment" (The ban was obviously not a shining moment for the Church)


2024-0518 (Sat)


"You should feel confident" (That's true! I have been given so much. I should not let the unbelief
of others weigh me down)


"They're at a loss, too" (I don't know what to say to local Church leaders, and they don't know
what to do or say either)


2024-0519 (Sun)


"His name is Roy" (WSE-AP; People hearing about me for the first time, an unknown)


"Gamechange" (The lecture is a game changer for the Church. The Spirit makes it into a verb—
to gamechange things)


"The numbers are the hero" (The number of entries of the Holy Ghost in this lecture, and the
sheer numbers in JRE are astounding. Kind of a nice way of putting it... the numbers are the


"Michael Cohen" (Excellent point by the Spirit! Do people think my testimony in this matter is
comparable to that of Michael Cohen... who has been a major figure in the news lately? Clearly,
I am a credible witness, and this analogy shows the absurdity of those trying to cast doubt on my


2024-0520 (Mon)


"The writing was / wasn't incredible?" (WSE-SIM; The two words spoken simultaneously. The
Spirit asking the reader—Are not these words and gifts of the Spirit incredible?)


"I'll take the responsibility" (WSE-AP; Characterizing what a man or woman of God should do,
stepping forward and taking responsibility to get the ban issue fully resolved. Every member and
every leader of the Church should be this way)


"Abe Lincoln—take this strength" (Remember Abraham Lincoln's strength, good example, and
leadership in civil rights)


"You have a gift" (A special gift of revelation)


"Don't insult the office" (Always be respectful to both the men and the priesthood offices they
hold, locally and in Salt Lake. I get frustrated at times with the difficulty of getting these things
properly vetted and approved, but I need to remember that we are all working together towards
the same goal)


"There's a collision" (There's a dramatic collision occurring with my testimony hitting upon
conventional wisdom and culture in the Church, but certainly not a collision with the doctrine of
the Church... as you can see explained wonderfully in the LRPK lectures)


2024-0521 (Tue)


"Thanks for your faith in me" (Nice! A wonderful way for the Lord to begin the night)


"Half African American" (And there certainly is this issue of complexity as well. Members of the
Church come from multiracial societies throughout the world, and that was the case for much, if
not all of those 126 years. The ban was already bad in the first place, but when you look at it in
the context of members coming from mixed ancestry, and trying to figure out the complexity of
that person by person to apply the ban, the whole thing becomes even more ridiculous)


2024-0522 (Wed)


"Why not just put 'unbelieve'?" (The meaning here is that the people around me—friends, family,
and Church leaders—should be definitive and take clear positions in their responses to me. They
realize that they would be incorrect if they accused me of lying, of having a mental problem, or
of being led by the adversary—again, see LRPK-15—since any of those conclusions would be
irresponsible and indefensible when looking at the facts of the case. But that's basically the
position they are taking and they won't admit to it)


"I don't know if I AM" (The opposite is meant, and it goes with the statement above. Surely the
Lord declares "I AM" definitively. The wishy-washy responses to my testimony that I've seen by
everyone are not something the Lord would do)


"Criminalization of the problem" (If there isn't the necessary faith and ability at the local level to
discern these gifts properly, it gets wrongly turned into a Church crime of some kind, like
apostasy. That is not the proper approach, obviously. You are criminalizing without knowing
what's actually going on)


"Trent" (I love this point. Trent Horn is a really talented Catholic apologist. He has very
professional discussions on all sorts of philosophical questions with others all the time. As a
Latter-day Saint, I would disagree with him on many things, but there are also quite a few things
we would agree upon. But what's important is that the process of working together in discussion
with someone like him is done step by step, smoothly, logically, and professionally.


In the case of LRPK and the three books, the issues are inside our Latter-day Saint faith and so
much easier to figure out between us. My approach to things is just like Trent's. I'm easy to sit
down and work with to resolve the issues in a friendly and logical way. Below is an example
video of Trent doing a great job debating an atheist, who is mild mannered and logical in his
approach, too, which contributes to an interesting and productive discussion between them. You
can see mutual respect in their demeanors as they talk. This is the kind of atmosphere I would
like to see in future meetings and discussions I have with leaders and everyone else)




2024-0524 (Thu)


"This is it. Roy is here to change things" (Quite a powerful statement by the Spirit!)


"The Church needs to listen and get a new attitude" (Exactly)


"The ball is in your court" (... Church leaders. It's time to change and start helping me)


"Remember me in your civil rights doctrine" (Remember the Lord. He wants this fix on the ban)


"It has to be finished" (There is no fulness in the gospel unless there is a change to this erroneous


"A second chance to right the wrong" (Complete what wasn't done in 1978)


"Entirely appropriate" (This is not about egos and priesthood authority. It's about establishing
truth in doctrine for the world to see)


"Faster than anybody else" (Speed in revelation is important, the special gift being presented here
provides daily interaction with the Spirit, which is quite fast)


2024-0527 (Mon)


"Thanks for bringing that up" (WSE-AP; Great point. Nobody is thanking me for bringing this
issue up. And that's because the issue of the ban was never settled fully, so it still is controversial
and sensitive even to this day for the Church. We just want it to go away and pretend it's not


"You could not fall into apostasy more" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a critic of me, worried about
the work I'm doing, like I'm a threat to the Church rather than providing added strength)


2024-0529 (Wed)


"You're not raised by anything but truth" (My development has been driven by truth through the
Holy Ghost)


"The whole of a Christian includes" (... much more about civil rights than what we've articulated
in the Church before)


"It's ready for Russell" (This lecture and these books are ready for review)


"You might as well say it—a brand new apostle"


"They're coming after you, Saul" (The Spirit being funny here. Critics coming after me,
characterizing me as Saul, not Paul)


"You lost favor with God" (WSE-AP; More words characterized from a critic, saying that I have
fallen away)


"Could not have been done. We didn't have pencils and paper" (WSE-AP; Prophets and apostles
did have pencils and paper available to them over the past 175 years to write a new official
proclamation to repudiate the ban, like the one presented in this website)


"You'll have some witnesses" (Supporting this work)


2024-0530 (Thu)


"Hears and obeys the voice of God" (A faithful Latter-day Saint will obey the Lord in this)


"It has to be changed—I AM" (The doctrine associated with the ban)


"I've spoken" (The Lord)


"You're so prepared" (Yes, the 42 lectures are a big support to my testimony, and I am very
prepared now)


"No one has sought out these principles of the gospel before" (What is covered in these LRPK
lectures is brand new to the Church)


"It's a lot easier if everyone will repent" (We—members and leaders of the Church—need to
repent on this issue)


"It was wrong. Yell at the temple" (A Hosanna Shout in celebration of Official Declaration #3
can be done inside and/or outside temples and meetinghouses worldwide)


2024-0531 (Fri)


"This covert man doesn't have a home" (I'm kind of like a man without a country in the Church
right now, and also, just barely surviving financially)


"Real world" (My testimony is real world stuff. The opposition that I'm being confronted with is
so often just theoretical or doctrine-based only)


"There is a line you must cross" (I think this means that I need to stand up more, get off the
sidelines, and talk to more people on this)


"These books" (... just need to be out there in the public sphere and read by everyone)


"The new one" (The 42 lectures are like a 4th book)


"Why won't you work with me?" (WSE-AP; Characterizing me. That I can't get anyone to work
with me on an extended basis to vet everything)


There are so many ways in which my testimony can be validated. Just choose one of them,


"No gifts" (Is the position of everyone that I have long since forfeited any gifts of the Spirit in
my life because of the work I'm doing? No leader of the Church would dare to assume that, and
with good reason. Therefore, if I have some gifts of the Spirit active in my life every day, then all
of the spiritual gifts I'm documenting have to be true. You can't have a mixed environment with
true gifts being bestowed on the one hand and falsely proclaimed gifts on the other. The Spirit
wouldn't participate in that kind of fraud and would have stopped with me many years ago if that
was so. It's just so frustrating how the great people around me have done such a bad job in
applying simple logic like this in their analysis. See LRPK-11)


"Maybe they're legitimate" (WSE-AP; Characterizing someone on the fence who is starting to
appreciate the depth of the books)


"In other words—conversion" (I need people converted, not just casual readers who then get
busy with something else in their lives. We have the exact same problem when presenting the
Book of Mormon to the people of the world—apathy.)


"Remember Steph" (With long "e" sound used when it was spoken. Stephen's courageous
defense of the faith)


"Clean your heart. Be a true messenger of God" (For me to be humble and grateful for
everything. Try to bring the Spirit with me in all that I do)


"How do you right that / write that?" (WSE-SIM; Nice play on words. Characterizing Church
leaders wondering simultaneously how do you "right" the wrong, and how do you "write" the
new proclamation)


"Try me" (COM-VV2; As this was spoken by the Spirit, I saw a short vision where I was looking
through goggles of some kind, almost like it were a Urim and Thummim that a seer would use.

The Lord is saying that through faith I can do incredible things. Try Him. Put faith in Him and
see what happens)


"It's serious" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a Church leader realizing this is something serious here,
not something that can be ignored or run away from)


"They are amiss" (WSE-THO; As I pondered on my family's unbelief of my testimony. They
need to get on the ball)


**Lecture continues. Go to June tab.


2024-0601 (Sat)


"Lay on your right shoulder" (The opposite meant. The Spirit telling me to be ready to write at
bedside, which is done by laying on my side upon my left shoulder. I would prefer to turn over
on my right side when I sleep, but I usually spend most of the night on my left side for that


"Messed up" (The Church messed up on the ban issue)


"Be a Volpe" (Like the Yankees young leadoff hitter who hit so well in the early months of the
season. Get things started again with local leaders, be an energetic catalyst)


"Keep it simple" (Try to make my presentation on everything simple to leaders in future
meetings, not trying to cover too much ground. Share a few testimonies in greater detail and
analysis, rather than sharing too many of them at once which makes it harder for everyone to
follow and understand)


2024-0602 (Sun)


"There is no accountability" (Repeated one again for emphasis, accountability is missing in both
the 2013 essay and the 1978 declaration)


"Israel" (With the ban not being repudiated, the Church is held back from its other goals.


We can build new temples and do temple work in the existing ones, but the temple foundations
are not fully clean.


We can gather Israel. We can build Zion in the Church. The Lord can prevail in our lives, and we
can think celestial. But in all of those things there is still doubt in our minds as Church members
and leaders because of the past unresolved issue, like an unrepentant sin)


"They have to have it proved to them" (The Church needs proof of my testimony, but that proof
has been bountifully provided already. It's actually quite easy for me to do)


"Keep arguing" (No, the opposite is meant. Let's work together with the Lord on this in a
problem solving manner)


"Take it out of the standard works" (Edit/correct/remove a few selected verses of the Book of
Mormon and Pearl of Great Price that have harsh/inappropriate language and expression with
respect to race. Review 2nd Nephi 5: 21-24; Jacob 3: 5-9; Alma 3: 6-10; Moses 8:7; and any
others there may be.


But we do this with full transparency, showing the original verse text in the footnotes under the
designation of JCC—Jesus Christ Correction—since the Lord through the Holy Ghost is driving
the changes. That way everyone—including future generations—can still see the original text

and know what was changed and why it was changed. Nephi, Mormon, Moroni, Alma, and
Joseph Smith would all happily agree with small edits such as these. The harsh terminology and
thoughts expressed in those few verses doesn't belong in the books)


"Verses" (The Spirit confirming the prior statement about editing/correcting a few verses on race
in the standard works)


"Warshing it" (This gets to why the verses were there in the first place. The meaning here is that
some Nephite prophets were unavoidably caught up in the frequent and very brutal wars with the
Lamanites which the Spirit is saying factored into the words chosen and the
inappropriate/insensitive thoughts expressed in those instances by them; thus the term "warshed"
to clean that from the text of the book. Again, prophets are not infallible, and the scriptures we
have are not perfect. Through this change, we are perfecting it more)


"A broken record" (This gets to the doctrine of changing the standard works in general. Like the
Savior asking Nephi, son of Nephi to correct the record with the entry "that many saints arose
from the dead and ministered unto them"—found in 3 Nephi 23:6–13—it's the same thing here.
The Savior is asking us today to make small corrections to the standard works that go in tandem
with the theme of Official Declaration 3)


**Note: I had previously wondered if revelation would be coming in June and July on this same
subject of the ban. It looks like there surely has been as you can see above... the subject matter of
the revelation today was quite dramatic on these slight edits to the standard works! We'll see
what comes in future days, even into July.


2024-0604 (Tue)


"The fourth one is true, too" (The 42 lectures—including this one—is essentially a fourth book)


2024-0606 (Thu)


"What was the reason for the ban?" (... asks the Spirit. Nobody knows the answer to this
question. The reasons given in the rollout of the ban in 1852 have now been disavowed)


"There was a reason for the ban—a lack of revelation on the subject" (The Spirit answers His
own question. In fact, there was a reason for the ban—a lack of common sense, and a lack of
revelation on the subject)


"Mayday! It's down" (What is meant here by the Spirit is the damage the ban has done to
everyone in the Church who has been involved with it. Let's say it's in the 1930s, and a
priesthood leader of a ward, stake or region of the Church somewhere in the world is not
upholding the priesthood ban. Wouldn't it be necessary for Church leadership to send in an
emergency response team—to paraphrase the words above: "Mayday! The Church priesthood
ban system is currently down!"—to ensure that the policy is obeyed and quick corrective action
is taken?


And who then would be the Chief Priesthood Ban Enforcement Officer for the Church? Well,
that duty and title would fall upon the prophet... the president of the Church. Can you think of
anything more abhorrent and contrary to the sacredness of the priesthood of God than that?
Verses from D&C 121 would hit down upon it hard, and with good reason. And it's not just the
prophet. The same terrible duty would extend all the way down the priesthood chain of command
to local leaders. The stake president would be the chief ban enforcement officer for the stake, the
bishop for his ward, and the elders quorum president for his quorum.


You could soften the title I used, and make it sound less ominous, but that's basically what the
position is and entails in simple gospel language, and it's not good.


"It doesn't matter what you tell him, he doesn't understand anyway" (WSE-AP; Characterizing
someone criticizing me, that I don't understand all the important reasons for the ban and why it
was done. But there is no hidden mystery for anybody to know. It was just wrong)


"Everyone will be 'with it'" (This is a reference to an episode from the old TV show All in the
where they all played a game called "Group Therapy" and the goal was to have everyone
with you, holding up their "With It" card to show support. The Spirit is saying that the Church
members and leaders will be with me in the work I'm doing. See 2019-0319 for the episode link
and similar words used there)


2024-0609 (Sun)


"You're a breakthrough" (That's a nice of way of putting things in a reference to me. That the
work I'm doing is transformative, and that I have a very special calling)


"So, for reaching that level, it causes a conflict?" (... that someone like me coming along, who
reaches a high level of faith, does not create a conflict with Church doctrine or priesthood
authority. That's just the reality here. It's a really, really good thing, not a bad thing.


So many of the people around me have turned things upside down and not had the proper
perspective. They should be looking for the possibility—and hoping in their hearts—that a
truthful testimony of spiritual gifts is being presented. See LRPK-14)


"It begs for consideration" (Overwhelming evidence begs for consideration)


"A long bookcase" (The books of scripture in heaven are endless—filling a long bookcase—and
the Lord is ready to share them with man if there is sufficient faith. See the reference to the
chapter on this subject in AWC at end of the lecture)


2024-0611 (Tue)


"It has to be this way" (WSE-THO; I was pondering the following question in my mind:


Why wouldn't the Lord confirm my testimony directly with the First Presidency, rather than
having me present things to local leaders of the Church, or to the public directly on my own, with
all of the
confusion and problems that creates?


The Spirit then replied with that statement above, that the Lord has important reasons for doing it
this way. I just need to follow His lead and let things play out accordingly)


"A record" (In follow-up to the point above, the Spirit clarifies further by saying that the JRE
record I have been compiling day by day, and year by year, is an important reason why the Lord
wanted it done this way. Much revelation has come as I have worked on the books every day,
giving me time to interact with the Lord to further perfect the books and to improve myself)


"I AM"


"Fresh Spirit" (I love this term! Daily revelation... fresh interaction with the Spirit each night)


2024-0612 (Wed)


"Stand by yourself" (Stand up courageously in my testimony, even if no one else supports me)


"Your ability to see things will be expanded" (That's really exciting! More gifts of the Spirit in
the future are alluded to)


2024-0619 (Wed)


"My reading of the situation, not the world's" (The Lord's viewpoint is what we want in regards
to this lecture, not the world's)


"Too much" (There is too much reliance on the office of prophet in the Church and not enough
reliance on average members to step forward and make a big, positive impact on the world. The
work I'm doing demonstrates this principle. And that's how Zion is built in the Church)


"There are books to quash" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a Church leader's initial thoughts before
reading the books fully when accompanied by the Spirit. Church leaders should not try to quash
my testimony, but embrace it. We should confront the mistake of the priesthood ban in truth
together. As you can see in this lecture, the Holy Ghost is powerful and He easily deals with any
issue the Church faces, including controversial ones. He speaks only in wisdom and truth, and
sees everything clearly. The Church should speak to the world on the priesthood ban using this
same plainness of the Spirit)


"Re-cog-nize you" (Spoken slowly by the Spirit, that the Church will recognize me)


"They'll agree" (Confirming again... that the Church leaders and members will embrace my
testimony, ultimately)


"Once in a generation" (Special gifts being bestowed by the Lord in this is more than the work of
an apostle. The focus goes beyond the Church, to hopefully be a catalyst of change for American
society and government as well)


"He's going to drop off" (WSE-AP; Characterizing a leader's or member's words, hoping that, if
my testimony is ignored by the Church, my testimony will just disappear from the radar and the
status quo can continue. What a great loss and a terrible tragedy that would be for the Church if
that were to happen!)


"Give him the benefit of the doubt" (That has not happened. Everyone is suspicious and doubtful
about me, not hopeful and positive)


"What a coincidence!" (Sarcasm by the Spirit, referring to the 500+ impressive testimonies in
JRE over the last 12 years that demonstrate the spirit of prophecy. See the link below for the
complete index by subject, which provides over 2700 overall of special testimonies)




"Open the door" (That's what I need local priesthood leaders to do. Open the door for my
testimony to be amplified to the rest of the Church. See LRPK-09)


"The entire world" (... will listen to this lecture, and will enjoy hearing the new proclamation by
the Church)


"You got to read the book" (But the world needs to read these books, too, not just Church
members. More informal grammar by the Spirit btw)


"It's time" (Time for Official Declaration #3)


2024-0619 (Wed)


"WE ARE" (The Godhead, this is said at various times to me, although not nearly as often as "I


"The Holy Ghost" (... is driving this lecture)


"We can't have a Paul" (What if Peter, James and John would have said that when Paul came
along? See LRPK-05 and see LRPK-06)


"Are these writings not brilliant? I'm just getting started" (The Holy Ghost... He is just getting
started in all He wants to share. Brilliance scarcely describes Him)


"People abandoned you" (I've been working alone on these books with the Lord for so many
years, although proofreaders and software developers have been a great help to me along the


2024-0621 (Fri)


"Your dying days" (The Spirit is being sarcastic. I'm not too old to be an apostle)


"Sit down the Church" (Sit the entire Church down, have the leaders and members lay aside their
busy things and listen to the message being presented here)


"Amplification" (As was stated before, amplify the message to the Church and beyond. That's
what I need the people around me to do. Again, see LRPK-09 on David O. McKay story and


"Shame on you for not recognizing the value!" (The Lord upset with those closest to me for not
realizing the scope of this, and what is truly going on)


2024-0625 (Tue)


"Black player" (Another common sense test we can apply to prove the illegitimacy of the
priesthood ban. Would we as Latter-day Saints exclude blacks today from Church basketball
games or from other youth or adult sports activities going on in the cultural halls/gyms of our
meetinghouses? Certainly not! That would be absolutely horrific. And that is the point. Sports
participation, Church activities, baptism, confirmation of the Holy Ghost, Church callings,
priesthood ordination, temple ordinances, etc., they are all the same in terms of the equal access
and opportunity principles we believe in. So why do we continue to support the ban doctrine as
somehow being legitimate before it was ended in 1978?)


"It helped on some things, but not all things" ("It" refers to revelation. The Lord provided
revelation to the Church in past generations on some things, but not all things)


"Say 'Blacks and the priesthood" and the Church hides herself" (The mentioning of this term is
like kryptonite to the Church. Members and leaders historically have not known how to
adequately respond to it)


"Wisdom of me" (This lecture provides the wisdom of the Lord through revelation)


"Doctrine not of me" (The priesthood ban doctrine was not of the Lord)


"That seems fair to me" (What is fair to all mankind? The policy on the blacks and the priesthood
that we have today is the correct one, and the one we can be proud of, not the one in our history)


"The Lord is with me every day" (WSE-AP; Characterizing me, that I should be humble and
grateful for this very special gift of the Spirit)


"Millions of signs" (The new proclamation #3 will create millions of signs... signs meaning
millions of new converts to the Church. New converts are out there for us, waiting to hear this
important message)


2024-0626 (Wed)


"Important work will be done on the authentication process" (Important priesthood leadership
work is needed to vet this lecture and the books)


"We had to check it" (WSE-AP; Characterizing Church leaders thoughts to me after the
authentication process has been done... that they did need to check it out for obvious reasons, not
just take it on face value. And sure, that's fine. The 42 lectures do address the need for that
process and important things to keep in mind when its being done. See LRPK-37)


"We'll recognize you" (WSE-AP; Church leaders are then able to recognize me and the work I'm


"More spectacular" (More days of revelation, more spectacular things in June. What will come in
July? We'll see!)


2024-0627 (Thu)


"Sounder" (A good reminder! As Church leaders and members, we had a chance to view many
fantastic movies in the 1950s/1960s/1970s that brought the mistreatment of blacks into the
forefront of our minds... and any one of them should have been powerful enough to prick our
hearts and end the ban. The right and wrong was made perfectly clear, and the Lord wants us to
be on the right side of this issue, not the wrong side. Sounder, in 1972, was one of those
wonderful movies, as you can see in this short clip of Cicely Tyon's performance)




2024-0628 (Fri)


"Multi-race" (The priesthood was configured by God to be multi-race from the beginning. It
didn't have any design limitations or require any temporary adjustments to it in 1852, or even in
1978. It was the same priesthood all along)


"Because it's history?" (Should the priesthood ban be considered as sacred just because it was an
active program of the Church throughout of its early history? That's hardly a good reason. What
is wrong is wrong)


"That is the moment it will come" (1978 was a great moment, but only because it was fixing a
mistake, not because the appointed time of the Lord to remove the ban had come. The appointed
time of the Lord to end the ban was actually before it was even conceived in the years leading up
to 1852)


"Be Trent" (Repeated again from earlier in this lecture—2024-0522. A reference to Trent Horn,
the Catholic apologist. The Lord loves his professional style and approach to debating issues. I
need to be more like that, and everyone else should be like that as well when analyzing/debating

my testimony. That will make things a lot easier for all of us. For another great reference to him,
see 2022-0518)


2024-0629 (Sat)


"Let's take responsibility" (WSE-AP; Characterizing Church leaders, moving forward on the new


"There are so many incidences" (WSE-AP; Again, Church leaders characterized. Reading this
lecture and seeing how much revelation is being provided)


"I like the quality of the codings" (WSE-AP: ... and impressed by the spiritual gift index codes)


**Note: A very special revelatory dream occurred on this night. It helped demonstrate the
importance of independent witnesses and evidence in the spiritual discernment process. It was so
good that I created an entire new lecture on it. See LRPK-39)


"I'm going to be depending on you" (Be faithful and courageous in the work I'm called to do,
repeated often)


2024-0630 (Sun)


"They'll forgive you" (Kind of funny! Family, friends and local Church leaders will forgive me
for doing the right thing. A little sarcasm from the Spirit)


**Lecture continues. Go to July tab.


2024-0701 (Mon)


"It's going on forever... and ever" (WSE-AP; A reader of this lecture saying that... it keeps going
on and on like the Energizer Bunny)


2024-0703 (Wed)


"Oh, read everything" (The Lord asking everyone to read everything in full—this lecture, all the
other lectures, the three books. And read them slowly and surely, not speed reading)


2024-0707 (Sun)


"Trent" (Once again, a third time in this lecture. Trent Horn, his polite, problem-solving debating
style is what's needed among us, not emotional responses)


"What I'm doing is much more powerful" (WSE-AP; Characterizing me. The work I'm doing
here in the restored gospel is much more powerful than the work Trent does)


"Accompanied by the true Church" (... and that's because the work I'm doing is accompanied by
the true Church. So, good debating style is very important, but you need to have a fullness of the
gospel behind you as well)


"They just wasn't sure" (Incorrect grammar used by the Spirit—He does this every so often—to
highlight that local Church leaders are looking for imperfections/mistakes in the work I'm
doing... and not looking for a reason to believe. See LRPK-14)


2024-0708 (Mon)


"He didn't give a fair evaluation" (The local Church leader who did initial review. But I don't
fault him. There is no way for any leader to be prepared for something like this, so it's
understandable that the analysis would be at a superficial level only, with unbelief as the default
position to take. See 2022-0604 and many others entries in JRE on dates before and after that in
2022. See LRPK-37)


"He was never believed" (WSE-AP; The Spirit characterizing the people around me, that my
testimony wasn't believed initially. The Holy Ghost can't break through their unbelief)


"Prejudicial" (The Church culture is so beautiful at its core, but where the Lord wants to do some
exciting things here, the culture can sometimes get in the way. It's a microcosm of the problem
we as Latter-day Saints face when presenting our restored gospel message to the world... the
culture of mainstream Christianity and other world religions gets in the way. See LRPK-40)


2024-0713 (Sat)


"Roy is no fool" (... and he is no liar. Slightly different words used by the Spirit to make the
same main point again. If I've been honest about the day-by-day revelation recorded in this
lecture, then there are no good options to choose from to justify unbelief. See LRPK-15)


2024-0715 (Mon)


"Unorthodox. Unrequested" (Very well put by the Spirit! This is the general feel of so many
right now. The new books and lectures are considered unorthodox, and also, not requested or
commissioned by anyone in Church leadership. They just came out of nowhere, as miracles so
often do. See LRPK-31)


"It's not a hard sell" (... for Church members to repudiate the priesthood ban. We know in our
hearts that it was wrong from the beginning, that it never should have been implemented)


2024-0716 (Tue)


"There's no understanding of how fortunate you are" (How great the spiritual gifts/blessings have
been to me. It's invisible to the Church right now)


"I'll tell you exactly" (The Lord will happily tell everyone exactly what's going on)


2024-0717 (Wed)


"Is there scriptural authority?" (WSE-AP; The Spirit is characterizing one of the key questions
being asked, along with that of priesthood authority. Both of these authority questions are
covered well in this and the other 41 LRPK lectures)


"I bet I know what is going to happen" (The Lord is being sarcastic, of course. He knows what
the future holds... and some important things about the future he shares with us through the spirit
of prophecy. See 2016-0402)


"It's all unbelievable" (WSE-AP; Characterizing the reaction of everyone. And I have to add
myself to that list as well. I am amazed every morning when I wake up and see the revelation
that keeps coming. The Lord is driving the car on this, not me)


"Loving works" (Instead of banning blacks from holding the priesthood, why didn't we just
implement a policy in 1852 of a love for blacks that includes a bestowal of the priesthood along
with everything else there is in the restored gospel? Loving works in the gospel... it applies to all
races, kindreds, and tongues. With love, you want to share everything. That's what the law of
consecration means)


"It teaches" (This lecture, LRPK-32, teaches a wide range of important principles on this issue to
help us understand what happened in the past and to help lead us forward)


"It's a truthful statement" (WSE-THO; As I pondered on the statement "The Church hasn't seen
revelation like this since the early decades of the Restoration" in the introduction to the draft


"You have a brilliant hand to succeed" (The Spirit is providing a royal flush through revelation, a
winning hand to help me succeed in this work)


"Roy, make it possible" (To bring these books and lectures forward, to make a large impact)


"An apostle wills it through faith" (To help the world overcome unbelief)


"They got what they asked for" (The world is now getting what it asked for from the Latter-day
Saints to verify the truthfulness of our Church. A second clarifying witness—a second Paul—and
more books of scripture—AWC/AWN/JRE.)


"They are before the book, ready to read and understand" (Church members, being presented
with the new book—A Wonderful Church)


"Initially" (A Wonderful Church should be read first is what is meant, read initially, before the
other books)


"To clarify things they didn't learn yet" (The purpose of the new books)


"New principles of the gospel that only come through revelation" (New scripture, not just
interpretation of existing scripture)


2024-0719 (Fri)


"It's going to hit" (This lecture and these books getting publicity finally)


"We didn't see this coming" (WSE-AP; Our Latter-day Saint culture is based on the expected.
Change of this magnitude to the Church comes as a big surprise)


"They'll believe" (Repeated again in this lecture. Church members and leaders will believe
because they have no other choice. The evidence is so substantial. Common sense will rule the


2024-0727 (Sat)


"The Savior coming into the world" (... more and more through His Spirit. But a fullness of
blessings and spiritual gifts will be held back if we continue to hold onto this incorrect doctrine
of the ban)


"If faults of men" (Like the introduction of the Book of Mormon, same issue here. The ban
policy was a fault of men)


2024-0805 (Mon)


"Version" (The Spirit kind of supervising me on the site update, wanting me to get the latest
changes in there today! "Version update" is my common terminology for version update tickets
to my developer)


"Backtrack—there is no reason to" (No reason for me to backtrack on this lecture #32 in spite of
any unhappiness expressed by friends, family or local Church leaders. It's true and it's vital to the
Church's future success)


2024-0901 (Sun)


"We don't reconcile our past" (WSE-AP; Characterizing us as a Church, that we never have fully
reconciled ourselves with what happened with the ban)


2024-0905 (Thu)


"That's what it is" (WSE-THO; As I pondered the mistake by Brigham, that's what it is—a

"The Twelve" (The Twelve Apostles and Brigham's counselors in the First Presidency needed to
speak up and not allow the ban to go forward)





References (Viewing options from video providers are available there):


Gunsmoke episodes entitled "Game of Death... An Act of Love" Part I and Part II.





See AWC, Book I, Chapter 22, "On the priesthood keys bending"

See AWC, Book II, Chapter 1, "On a young man standing up"

See AWC, Book I, Chapter 22, "On decentralization of power"

See AWC, Book I, Chapter 22, "On no conflict, just special circumstances"

See AWC, Book I, Chapter 13, "On Christ is perfect, the scriptures are not"

See JRE, Book I, Chapter 4, "Switzerland 1989-1990"

See AWC, Book I, Chapter 22, "On Paul, No long leadership career needed"

See AWC, Book III, Chapter 52, "Revelation Library in the Heavens"



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